Prakt. Met. Sonderband 30 (1999) XXI
The 10" International Metallographic Conference took place from September 16-18, 1998 at
the University of Leoben and was organized — as always since the beginning in 1963 — by the
“Institut für Metallkunde und Werkstoffprüfung”.
With about 380 participants from 18 countries and 74 presentations (15 of them in English)
there was an increase of over 20% compared to the last Leoben conference of 1994. The
presentations which were attended very well corresponded to the following topics:
microstructure and properties, materials characterization, sample preparation and
development of microstructure, metallographic equipment and techniques, phase
transformations, quantitative image analysis, composite materials, ceramic materials, surface
modification and coatings, failure analysis, which can be found in that order in this volume.
At the beginning of each half-day session distinguished plenary lectures were presented which
represent the first chapter of the Proceedings.
Besides the traditionally sponsoring societies EHÖ, DGM, VDEh and DKG, also the
International Metallographic Society (IMS) and the American Society of Materials (ASM)
were participating this time and were represented by their respective presidents.
During the opening ceremony of the conference the distinguished “Roland-Mitsche-Preis”
was awarded to the “metallographic couple” Karin and Prof. Dr. Hans-Eckart Exner.
The exhibition of modern metallographic equipment and techniques by about 30 companies
was well arranged and very well attended by the participants during the whole conference.
Apart from the technical scientific part of the conference there was an interesting and much
appreciated social evening program starting with a reception of the participants by the mayor
of Leoben in the City Hall and a visit to the famous “China exhibition” at the museum and
culminating with the conference dinner and dancing at the congress center of Leoben. We like
to use this opportunity to say special thanks to the mayor of Leoben, Hofrat Dr. Matthias
We also are grateful to the authors and co-authors of the proceedings for submitting their
papers on time and making the necessary corrections and changes in the manuscript in short
time and thereby facilitating an early publication. Since only a couple of papers have not been
submitted to the editors a complete technical and scientific impression of the 10. International
Metallographic Conference can be given by this special volume of “Praktische
Albert Kneissl, Franz Jeglitsch