292 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 30 (1999)
Die Forschungsarbeiten von Professor Dr. Frank Mücklich wurden gefördert durch den Alfried-
Krupp-Förderpreis für junge Hochschullehrer der Krupp-Stiftung.
| Zitat von Prof. Jeglitsch in “Tiefe Einblicke“, Innovation Lamda 2, Carl Zeiss Magazine of
Microscopic Imaging and Analysis, Sept. 1998
> PDI: “Surface metrology guide, http://www.predev.com/smg
L.Peltonen, J.P.Mannermaa, J.Yliruusi: “Roughness analysis from tablet surfaces with a
confocal laser scanning microscope’, Pharmazie 52, 1997, S. 860-863
Ph.Ebert: “Rastersondenmikroskopie®, Physik der Nanostrukturen, FZ Jülich, Reihe Material
und Materie, Band 1, A2.1-42, ISBN 3-89336-217-7
L.Deck, P.deGroot:“High-speed non-contact 3D imaging microscope based on scanning white
light interferometry, ASPE Proceedings, 1993, pages 424-426
» L.Deck, P.deGroot: “High-speed non-contact profiler based on scanning white light
interferometry®, Applied Optics, Volume 33, Number 31, 1995, Pages 7334-7338 :
P.deGroot, L.Deck: “Surface profiling by frequency-domain analysis of white light ;
interferograms®, European Symposium on Optics for Productivity in Manufacturing, Europto
Frankfurt, June 1994, 2248-13
2 Zygo: “What is frequency domain analysis“, R&D Technical Bulletin, Zygo Corporation
9 P.deGroot, L.Deck: “Surface profiling by analysis of white-light interferograms in the spatial |
frequency domain“, Journal of Modern Optics, Volume 42, Number 2, 1995, Pages 389-401 |
10 P.deGroot, L.Deck: “Three-dimensional imaging by sub-Nyquist sampling of white-light
interferograms*, Optics. Letters, Volume 18, Number 17, 1993, pages 1462-1464
11 M.Maurer: “Herstellung und Charakterisierung intermetallischer Elektrodenwerkstoffe®,
Diplomarbeit, Universitit d. Saarlandes, Saarbriicken, Juli 1997