Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

340 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 30 (1999) 
6007 1000 
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a) Time, min b) Time, min 
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c) Time, min d) Time, min 
1000 | 1600 
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800 $ —a-1050°C 2 0, [te 
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e) Time, min D Time, min 
600 | 3000., 
00 2500] 3 
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100 J 500. — 
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0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 
g) Time, min h) Time, min 
Fig.2: Effect of annealing time and temperature on the surface density, Sy, and specific surface of 
phases, Sy/Vy. 

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