Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

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RuAlLamellae RuAlrods RuAldendrites Ru lamellae RE RuAl _amellae RuAlrods RuAldendrites Ru lan sax Tawa i, 
Microstructural features Microstructural features Ae en 
Fig. 4. Young’s modulus of different phases. Fig. 5. Nanohardness of diferent phases. prev 
. work, al 
The o-Ru solid solution (hcp) is known to be extraordinarily brittle at room temperature [5]. before h 
On the Ru rich side ( 53 = 95 at.% Ru ) of the Ru-Al system, RuAl (ß phase), together with o-Ru, 
forms an eutectic (op; T _~1920°C). This eutectic, as a specific composite material, due to 
synergism effect of individual phases, their fineness, morphology and thermodynamic stability, and You 
could be exploited as structural or functional material at elevated temperatures. The scale of the and 
microstructural features is very fine, therefore, the mechanical properties of individual phases, have thar i=: 
to be determined in the range smaller than micrometer. in ld 
A nanoindenting atomic force microscope, which allows measurements of the local rn 
mechanical properties with lateral resolution of nearly 50 nm, was used to determine the forte 
nanohardness and the Young’s modulus. These mechanical properties are calculated from the load- os 
displacement curves recorded during indentations. The aim of this work is to study the effect of _ 
morphology and heat treatment on local mechanical properties of existing phases in Ru-Al eutectic. Res 
Experimental Se 
An alloy with nominal composition Ru, Al, at. % was prepared from high purity starting phase 
materials by vacuum arc melting in protective argon atmosphere. After melting, the alloy was heat {Ona 
treated (homogenized) at 1300°C for 100 hours in argon. Produced samples were observed in as- Pollocl 
polished condition (final step of polishing was done with 0.05 um diamond suspension). deform 
Nanohardness (NH), and Young’s modulus (E), were determined using the AFM (Digital analysı 
Instruments) combined with Hysitron nanoindenter system, equipped with three sided Berkovich NI 
indenter, previously calibrated for the applied load. The same AFM tip, which was used for deform 
indentation (loads 200 and 300 uN), was subsequently used to scan the surface. Local mechanical 
properties of different microstructural features (-Ru lamellae and hallos and p-RuAl lamellae, rods 
and primary dendrites) before and after heat treatment, are estimated from the load-displacement eens 
curves using the method of Oliver and Pharr [6]. Young’s modulus is calculated after estimation of SE: 
the slope of the load-displacement curves in the unloading part, taking into account the Poisson’s co- Co 
efficients of RuAl (yp, ,, = 0.286 [1]), pure ruthenium (yp, = 0.25 [7]), and diamond indenter (y, = bo 
0.07 [6]) and Young’s modulus of the diamond indenter (E_ = 1141 GPa [6]). 

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