Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

1 Of Mittöscan Conclusion | | . . 
OL In the result of conducted micro structural analysis a homogeneous structure with uniform 
Ben distribution of silicon carbide in aluminium matrix was confirmed (Fig. 1), which may attest high 
I me efficiency of mixing process in the firs stage of composite production, and furthermore it decides 
SCODEN- about its steady characteristics. Any non-metallic inclusions, cracks and structure porosity have not 
pa been noticed. It results in the course of graphs and data included in the table that relatively not big 
ar diversification of the grain size and other stereological parameters occur in the composite. Both 
| volume fraction amount 20,8 % as also nominal size of particles which is in range 20pm confirm 
the manufacturer data. 
Above stereological parameters of composite F3S.20S, high abrasive wear resistance and 
possibility of structure forming by selection of quantity and the volume fraction of reinforcing 
particles confirm the possibility of application of this composite as a construction material for brake 
discs in automotive industry. 
Thank you very much to prof. J. Sobczak from Institute of Foundry Engineering in Cracow for 
making accessible of the composite F3520S which was used as a test material in this publication. 
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(7) C. J. Smithells: Metal Reference Book. Butterworths (1978) 1401. 
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% Kd 

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