Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

The interpretation of the microstructures ( Fig.12 ) can be proved by the X — ray diffraction 
patterns of the annealed specimens in Fig.13. The lower diagram shows the pattern of the 
betatized specimen. It is observed the reflections of the ordered bee B, — phase and of the x — 
phase. After the annealing the reflections of the y, — phase, of the ordered orthorhombic B; — 
phase and of the k — phase appear in the pattern ( upper diagram ). 
5S. Conclusions 
The microstructure of the spray formed alloy Cu All14 Fe Mn Co consists of the v, — phase ( 
Cug Aly ) with a complex cubic structure, the ordered orthorhombic B; — phase ( Cu; Al ) and 
K — precipitations ( Fe; Al ). The y, — phase appears seam — like at the former p — 
grainboundaries and in a rosette — like form inside of the former B — grains. 
The hot pressing of the alloy produces a banded structure of the former p — grains in the 
longitudinal direction and a grain refinement especially of the y, — particles. The hot pressed 
ows microstructure also consists of the phases y,, Bf; and x. 
© and The oil quenching from the ß — region produces a stabilization of the ordered bcc ß, — phase. 
She Some small k — precipitations remain in the B, — grains. 
dered By the annealing of betatized specimens a decomposition of the ordered bcc B, — phase is 
ar observed. This phase transforms into the y, — phase and the ordered orthorhombic B; — phase. 
phase The arrangement of the phases in the annealed microstructure depends form the annealing 
side temperature. 
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