Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Fig.7: Fractography of MP35N after fatigue test in air 500 MPa, 3x10° cycles; SEM 
— Structures of both alloys after heat treatment were similar. There were observed numerous twins fin 
and some primary carbide precipitates. N 
Cold work of Co-base alloy had same effect on substructure as on steel type 316L. 
Different chemical composition causes better corrosion resistance of Co-base alloys, in spite of He 
similar structure changes in both alloys, which were presented in other papers [7,8]. v ; 
Co-base alloy had better mechanical proprietes (YS). YS for MP35N was about 2 times higher he 
than for 316L. = 
References ka 
(1) Z. Szklarska-Smiatowska: Pitting Corrosion of Metals. NACE, Huston (1986) A 
(2) Y.R. Quian, J.R. Cahoon: Corrosion, Vol. 53, No 2 (1997) 129. Mn 
(3) G.Fitzimons, A.H. Kuhn: Metall. Trans. A, Vol. 15A, No 10 (1984) 1837 t 
(4) K. Palka, A. Weronski: Proc. VIII Sci.Tech.Conf. BEMS, Bialystok (1998) 367 A 
(5) K.Palka, B.Surowska, A.Weronski: Proc. 12" Europ.Cong.on Electr.Microsc. EUREM Brno a 
(2000) I 223. 
(6) B. Surowska, A. Weronski: Proc. 14". AMT 95, Zakopane-Gliwice (1995), Vol. Ext. Abstr.”. 5 
(7) B.Surowska: Chemical Composition and Structure Formation of Co-base Alloys as 
Biomaterials. Academic Press, Lublin (1997) (in Polish). 
(8) B. Surowska: Proc. EUROCORR’96, Nice (1996) 4. 

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