Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Analysis Statistics alfa beta 
Minimum 1.884058 0 " 
Maximum 4.782609 3.188406 H 
Mean 2.386473 1.077295 go 
a Std. Dev. © 9442436 _ 78709195 
Field Statistics ~~ ABs! 
Total Scanned Area 8761.688 > 
Field Area 8761.688 5 
Number of Fields 1 a 
Fig. 2 — Quantitative Image analysıs for Ti-6A1-3,5Mo-1,7 alloy quenched and aged % i 
{he co 
Conclusions Ti 
cally. ı 
- The lamellar structure can lead to an effective refinement of the microstructure and improvement Mn 
of ductillity . 
- By increasing the amount of ß - phase a refining of microstructure results (3) fro 
- After quenching from B field the alloy exihibits a coarser structure consisting of o nedles ams 
Widmanstitten type with low plasticity (E = 7 %) microsl 
- After quenching from ao + ß a field folllowed by a low temperature aging, the structure is ES 
composed by a lamellar, organised in collonies. At the edges of collonics there are thin films of « 
phase. This structure has the best tensile strength (TS = 1210 Mpa) 
- A lamellar volume fraction of about 60 % produces the best combination between strength and INTRI 
References | ; 
(1) A. K. Singh: Met. Trans A. 2 (1995) 243 - 255 has be 
(2) D. Banerjee, R. Krishnan — Met. Trams A. 7 (1980) 1095 - 1103 wm 
(3) T. Itamajine, G. Luetjering — Met. Trans A. 11 (1972) 2805 - 2820 ment 

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