Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

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Fig. 5: development from two- to three-dimensional FE model 
Plastic extension increases to a phase length/gauge ratio of 4 (Fig. 6). A higher ratio shows the same 
change in extension as the calculations with two-dimensional models suggested. A cast duplex steel 
of the same type with a phase length/phase gauge ratio of 1/d = 1 did not show any plastic linear 
deformations per thermo cycle. This is corroborated by the FE-calculations. 
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between tensile 3 % 7 5 
phase geometry factor I/d 
Fig. 6: influence of the phase length/phase gauge ratio (1/d) 
two-imensiond Rolled alloys whose phase length in rolling direction is many times bigger than the phase gauge 
ed plain SER which is crosswise to the rolling direction show considerably higher stresses in the longitudinal di- 
mensional Pode rection than in the cross direction. In case of high temperatures, these stresses exceed the yield point 
x is consider and cause the above-mentioned plastic deformations during a thermo cycle. If phase length and 
phase gauge are the same such a stress condition does not develop. 

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