Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

The kinetics of austenitization of S.G. cast iron, can be described by an Johnson-Mehl-Avrami 
equation and for the determination of the activation energy “Q”, it was used the Arrhenius equation. 
The wear process was influenced by the structural changes of the specimen's surface. 
‘ The microhardness of the nears surface of specimens from the wear surface has a superior value and 
that values decrease with the increasing of the distance from the wear surface. 
The phase transformation of the wear surface consist in the transformation of a residual austenite 
part in “ge“martensite with the increasing of the microhardness’s surface. 
(1) D. Simon: “ADI- a new material for the automotive engineer”, Foundry Trade J. 2 (1996) 66. 
(2) Y.C. Liu, JM. Schissler, JP. Chabout, H. Vetters: “Study of The Structural Evolution of 
Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) during Tempering at 360°C”, Metallurgical Science & Tech. 13 
(1995) 12. 
(3) J.T.H. Pearce: “Abraisve wear behaviour of alloy cast irons”, The British Foundyman, 78 
(1985) 13. 
(4) 1. Milosan: “The wear surface microhardness variation of a bainitic 8.G. Cast Iron”, Metalurgia 
tee for T, = 3 (1998), 42. 
Key-word register: material science, surface engineering, heat treatment, phase transformation, 
wear, bainite, martensite, microhardness. 
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1 wear surface) Acknowledgments 
‚rement who are The authors thank ROMAN S.A. Truck Company, Brasov (RO) for providing research and 
nstant value, financial support. 
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