Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

fact that the elastic Vayoallı 
500 500 deformation zone Micros 
400 400 fom ; is much larger 
g 8 S { { than the plastic Ca 
S300 & i En 1 Tre ATT deformation. In- . 
00) N formation is there- a. 
(a) (6) fore averaged over 
“ 0 2 4 6 8 10 19 — 4 5 a larger volume 
distance [micron] distance [micron] which levels out I Introd 
Figure 12: Young’s modulus of precipitations in steel (a) Cr-carbid particle in the bulk the differences hl 
material (b) Cr-nitrid particle within the nitration zone. and smoothes the MIET 
transition between ~~ 7 
the phases. The absolute values of hardness and modulus of small precipitations may be different el 
from those of bulk materials, since the depth of the precipitation is not known and the whole parti- me 
cle may move down and up during indentation leading to a mixed sensing of mechanical properties ae Ti 
of the matrix and the particle. mt 
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