Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

brings to slowing-down the process of self-organization of dislocation substructure, i.e. zone of 
SNe of g failure in initial sample there is only the cell-substructure, but in electrostimulated sample the 
SEITEN transition from grid-substructure to cell-substructure remained incomplete. 
The electrostimulating brings to lowering the medium sizes of loops and their amounts in a unit of 
ena 5 material volume. Here, if the medium sizes of loops are decreased less than in two times, then the 
«Cy density of loops is in approximately 46 times. 
Particles of 
d. The particles The electrostimulating of steel is accompanied by further decay of y-hard solution on the basis of 
6S (boundaries iron. It brings to increasing the medium sizes of the particles of carbide phases and their volume 
de ae ogre fraction. Besides, the peculiarity of current action is found: the formation of carbide TiC particles 
Medium ize on dislocation ways. Only by means of dark-pole analysis it manages to find out these particles. On 
undaries of light-pole image the particles are surrounded by characteristic ring (arc-shaped) extinctional 
contours that indicates the coherence tie of crystalline lattices of matrix and carbide. The essential 
lowering of the density of loops in the process of electrostimulating is therefore caused by 
changing te separating the particles of titanium carbide on them. 
ale of 26 
110 size So, the effect of increasing the resource of steel 08X18H10T in small-cycled fatigue has a 
hange of multifactorial character on mesolevel and linked with running the processes of collecting 
’ recrestallization, the change of self-organization kinetics of the dislocation substructure and 
oa rus, initiating the decay of hard solution with separating the particles of titanium carbide. 
Cases are 
rams 1s 0,28 References . . 
eel The (D Ivanova V.S., Terentjev V.F. Metallurgia. 1975. 
I. (2) Golovin S.A., Pushkar A.A.: Metallurgia.1980. 
a (3) Troshenko V.T.: Naukova dumka.1981. 
CL (4) N.A.Mahutov, M.I.Buran, M.M.Gadenin i dr.: Nayka. 1986. 
ans (5) Panin V.E., Elsukova T.F.: Nayka.1989.. 
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