Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Results of the chemical composition of pulse laser deposition (PLD) produced Co-Cu fourfold 
layers with a nominal single layer thickness of 8 nm are given in Figure 6. Figure 6a shows a set of 
50 EEL spectra taken along the layer normal direction. The net edge intensities of Co-L and Cu-L 
were calculated after background subtraction (11). As the corresponding concentration profiles in 
Figure 6b show, the Cu intensity in the Co layer increases with growing distance s from the 
substrate side. 
minating surface 
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was (ols Co-Cu mixing! 
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Figure 6: Chemical composition of pulse laser deposited Co-Cu fourfold nanolayers 
(nominal thickness 8 nm) 
(a) set of 50 EEL spectra along the layer normal direction 
(b) corresponding concentration profiles of the calculated Co and Cu intensities 

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