The average data of the primary, secondary and tertiary dendrite arm spacing as a function of the y From Lo
interface velocity are shown in Fig. 9.
+, Scmub
350 +
_ 310.04
5 300 | a —— Primary spacing reine
a 250 ym -&- Secondary spacing er
5 | Ea -o- Tertiary spacing ders z
b) 200 -} — are den
| 450° oo
£ 100 A die
S 103.8 4! and the ins
A NT gg AI nn
0 2763 pe
0.E+00 2.E-04 4E04 6E-04 8E-04 1E-03 wr
Solid/liquid interface velocity, m/s Brn
eri I
Fig. 9: Effect of the interface velocity on the dendrite arm spacings Cone
have very
Conclusions MD = ; )
Steady-state unidirectional solidification experiments were performed using Al-4wt%Cu samples ni
and the developed solidified dendritic microstructure was studied. Hae |
An exact measuring method was worked out for determining the dendritic structure parameters such pe :
as primary, secondary and tertiary dendrite arm spacing, and for measurement of amount of the ~~ =
second phase, too. The ceran
As a result of the examinations it was stated, that: bere:
— Increasing the interface velocity the amount of the second phase was increased, Wr
— Increasing the interface velocity the values of primary, secondary and tertiary dendrite arm N es
spacing were decreased. The dendrite morphology became continually finer. =
Anew fi
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+ 1.0