Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Adjacent to the groove on both sides are hills that can be seen from both surface profile in 
figure 2, and 3D image in figure 3. This indicates that the irradiated area, where the light 
intensity has a maximum, has been undergone a melting-re-solidifying process, left behind the 
features with hill-crater form, under the influence of plasma pressure, surface tension and 
temperature gradient. 
Using three instead of two laser beam interference, two dimensional structures are obtained. 
Figure 4 and 5 show two kinds of structures, by different laser energy density on the surface 
of c-Si. They are characterized by dot- and net-shape structures. 
Figure 4. dot-shape structure by three- Figure 5. Net-shape structure by three- 
beam interference with lower energy density ~~ beam interference with higher energy density 
the structures have the same period but the form of the feature is completely different 
Qualitatively speaking, in the case of dot-shape structure the energy density is just 
above the melting threshold of the material; while in the case of net-shape structure the 
energy density is well above the melting threshold. It is this feature that makes the 
controlling of feature size through energy density possible. 
Similar structure with net-shape of Au on the plastic PMMA is made by three beam 
interference, as shown in figure 8.. 
Zn Ws 
Figure 6 Net-shape structure of Au coating on the substrate of PMMA: (a) image of 
WLI and (b) surface profile 
h The sample is prepared by vacuum sputtering of Au onto the substrate of PMMA; the 
re on the thickness of the Au coating is approximately 100 nm. After the structuring with three 
YAG beam interference, craters with diameter 2 um, depth 13 nm appeared with period of 5.4 
um, as shown in figure 6. By varying the energy density one can change the diameter 
and depth of the crater; combined with the different period, one can obtain various gold 
pattern on PMMA substrate with nano-and micrometer resolution. This is of special 
interest for electrical applications. 

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