Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 38 (2006) 83 
ms than The microstructure of hot rolled or creep tested specimens was also studied by scanning 
a highly electron microscopy (SEM) using electropolished surfaces. The microsections parallel to 
erations the rolling plane were used for observation with the optical microscope NEOPHOT 30 and 
loaded the microsections perpendicular to the rolling direction were used for the (HRSEM) LEO 
ep data 1530 GEMINI. By means of high-resolution electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) 
measurements with a NORDLYS CCD camera and the software HKL Channel 5 the local 
texture formation [2], misorientation, grain size and subgrain size of the specimens were 
investigated. Applying the linear intersection method the grain size and/or subgrain size 
were determined. 
Creep tests were performed at the University of Applied Sciences Jena [3] at temperatures 
process up to 1600°C. For that, strips with dimensions of 120x4x1mm?> were cut out of the 2 mm 
of TZM. thick TZM sheets by laser treatment. For the investigation of the particles being in creep 
ere cold tested TZM [4], extraction replicas were produced. Therefore, the microsections parallel to 
urs. The the rolling plane were evaporated with a thin carbon film after etching with Murakami. 
troscopy Finally the produced replicas were observed in the SEM using the backscattered electron 
contrast. Furthermore the carbon extraction replicas of two TZM-specimens (1200°C, 
93.2h and 1600°C, 183.5 h) were investigated by EDX in the transmission electron 
microscope (TEM, JEOL 2010 FEF). 
red rods 
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Fig. 2: Optical micrograph of large ZrO,-oxides in the alloy TZM 
As shown in figure 2 zirconium and oxygen in TZM form ZrO; precipitations. These large 
oxides are up to 10 ym in size. 
Electron probe micro analyzer measurements at the Mo-Ti alloy indicate that titanium is 
homogeneously soluted within the molybdenum matrix. In contrast the carbon in TZM 
forms (Mo, Ti,Zr),C and titanium carbides (Ti,Zr),C,, at least 0.4 wt.-% titanium remains 
soluted in the molybdenum matrix. The diameter of Ti-C particles is smaller then 1 ym and 
Cow often located at subgrain boundaries whereas the Mo.C precipitates are in um scale and 
situated at grain boundaries (see Fig. 3a). 

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