Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

146 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 38 (2006) 
the hardness increases but not as much as it would be expected for an oxide (21GPa for 
Cr2Os) [3]. 
(c) 80 
250 = . 
— e E-modulus = hardness ; 
5S 20 _ © 6 
5 = ks 
"= 450 = © 4U 
: Te 
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pop a 
he |, T 
b) 140000 
( ) 420000 | 51 Lg snare Silicon —%— Chromium —e— Bismuth 
00000 Oxide Sear Bulk -e— Oxygen —#— Iron Lead 
E 80000 L 
O 0000 | == Figure 4. (a) SEM image and (b) the 
9 el corresponding WDX line scan of the 
~ material HT-9 after 600h exposure in Ie 
lis ° LBE. (c) Hardness and E-modulus. 
Depth [um] 
This material shows no visible oxide layer in the SEM cross section analysis. Therefore 
shallow and deep Sputter Depth Profile (SDP) is done using XPS. It is found that the material 
has only a 200-250nm thick mixed oxide layer. At the near surface region aluminum and 
yttrium enrichment is observed. Since the yttrium binding energy overlaps that of bismuth, no 
clear distinction between these two elements can be made. 
XPS also allows analyzes of the state of the element (oxidized or metallic) based on the 
measured binding energy. For aluminum and yttrium this distinction cannot be made clearly 
because the binding energy of the metal and the oxides of these elements overlap. However, 
their affinity to oxygen suggests that they are oxidized

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