Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 38 (2006) 245 
"results 2 ~y 
> binder 
that Fe 
ring the 
has the 
that the 
ier high 
ling the 
olves in 
t higher 
kind of Fig. 5. Element mapping of nitrided sample F (50wt.-%Co/50wt.-%Ni). 
| due to 
ed by a 
t in the 100 
+ TI(K) 
° ~¢Co(K) 
5 66 
€ -—Nb(K) 
2 50 
© —+Ta(L) 
= 40 = WI) 
0 125 250 375 500 625 750 875 1000 1125 1250 1375 1500 1625 
and in (b) Distance [nm] 
s shown. 
ies) are ; ; : 
of TiC Fig.6. (a) Overview of the microstructure of sample A. (b) Area of the binder phase assessed by EDX 
Y analysis at higher magnification. (c) Linescan results. 
/B [10]. 
eir high Average (wt%) Ti Co Ni Nb Ta W Other elements 
Sample A 0.3 91.0 0.0 0.4 6.8 1.5 
es. The Sample B 0.3 - 82.5 0.1 3.5 12.0 1.6 
x hs as Table 3. Average composition of the binder phases of sample A and C. Impurities dissolved in the binder 
P are due to contamination during the production process 
ange In The dissolution of elements from the hard phases such as W and Ti in the binder was 
regular analyzed by TEM/EDX lines scans (Fig.6, Table 3). The binder phase is preferentially 
nitrided removed during the ion milling process (Fig.6a). The amount of dissolved W and Ta is 
asing In higher in the pure Ni binder than in the pure Co binder. Alloying of the binder provides a 
\chining reinforcement effect, which improves the wear resistance as well as the corrosion 
resistance of the metallic matrix. Based on previous studies on the influence of binder

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