Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

390 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 38 (2006) 
Typical etching time for the cold rolled samples is shown in table 5 and Figure 1. It is clear 
that the time of etching reduced with increasing the amount of thickness. 
Some of the most popular etchants that failed to etch reasonably Sandvik steel samples 
are presented in table 6. 
Table 3: Approximate time (Sec) of etching for each solution 
Sample code | Aquaregia | Fry | Glyceregia | Kalling | Hydrochloric Acid | Nitric Acid | V2A 
1 35 200 300 9) 50 90 35 _ 
2 210 390 9) 50 75 20 
3... 4 50 195 [= 330 9) 50 130 25 
4 45 195 | 300 50 120 25 
BR wh, BOTHER ABER 5) _ 120 | 307 
(alo 65 200 300 99 50%. kW fu 30 
I 7 65 195 + = 300 100 55 _ ah 20. 
N 5) 195 300 99 | TELS 2) 2I_ 
en 65 195. 390 40 50 oN 23 
a S10 50 105 _ 330 75 60 8) a5 
11 35 195 , 300 75 CJ 75 25 
12 | 60 | 195 390 | 50 120 20 
13 70 | 195 300 75 60 1 130 | 35 
Table 4: Recommended voltage and current used for electrolytic etching 
Electrolyte Voltage (v) 
Hydrochloric Acid 7.5 
Nitric Acid 10.0. 
Orthophosphoric Acid A 
Table 5: Recommended time (Sec) for cold rolled samples 
Sample code ' Aquaregia | Fry Kalling | Hydrochloric Acid 
8CR20 45 75 45 18 
8CR40 40 80: _ 40 15 1 
8CR60 100] 230 | 45 | 55 x 35 14 
8CR80 | 30 7J 225 | 40 1 50_  '_ 30 10 _ 
_13CR20_| 45 165 55 120 | 55 18 
13CR40 45 135 45 105 4) 15 
13CR60 240 35 7) 27 45 14 
13CR80 30 70 210 30 15 40 10 
Table 6: Solutions which had no considerable effect on Sandvik steel 
Etchant , Technique Etching conditions 
Picric Acid+ Hydrochloric Acid Soaking a 5-10 min Ty 
Nital 2%+Picric 4% Soaking 5-10 min pr 
Vilella Soaking 5-10 min ele 
Potassium Hydroxide Electrolytic ~~ 5-10 min, upto 20 V tyr 
Oxalic Acid Electrolytic 5-10 min, up to 20 V

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