Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 38 (2006) 391 
‚ It is clear 80 250 
| samples 7% 3 
a 5 3 150 
E 40 @ Sample 8 E @ Sample 8 
z 0 @ Sample 13 2 100 @ Sample 13 
| | _V2A | 0 
a 35 | CRrR60 CR60 CR40 wo Not C: CR80 CR60 CR40 CRzu Nu 0 
AL | | 
| 1 
5 r ; 350 100 
= “ 90 
{oy L 300 a 
2 , 8 250 3 7: 
7 £ 200 @ Sample 8 £ % @ Sample 8 
ZU = = 50 
| = > 150 m Sample 13 2 4 @ Sample 13 
ap £7 5 100 5 30 
| 7 J Ht ol 20 
— 50 
Egy c 
25 Choe Un. CRa . Ne CRU  CRoU  CRaU Call Ne 
20 ) 
fv 14C 
60 120 
8 50 8 100 
£ 40 @ Sample 8 2 80 @ Sample 8 
5 30 w Sample 13 2 60 ®@ Sample 13 
2 20 s 40 
U 0 
CR80 CR60 CR40 CR20 Not CR CR8aC CR60 CR40 CR20 Not CR 
V2A | N 
18 | ; 
15 20 a = Aquaregia 
14 :. | a 
10 2 m Sample 8 c = Glyceregia 
18 2 @ Sample 13 d = Kalling 
15 i e = Hydrochloric Acid 
14 f = Nitric Acid 
10 CR80 CR60 CR40 CR20 Not CF g = V2A 
} Fig. 1: Etching time vs. Percentage of cold rolled reduction for various etchants. 
Typical optical microstructure revealed by various etching solutions and techniques 
— presented in figure 2. Worth mentioning two etching techniques, i.e. soaking and 
J | electrolytic, were used for etching each of the sample and the pictures presented here are 
20V typical of the best results obtained 
(a tb 
(c) (d) 

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