Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

50 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 38 (2006) 
In the deformed fraction a subgrain structure predominantly close to the grain boundaries 
could be observed, with the subgrains having approximately the size of the recrystallized 
grains. The original deformed grains developed a pronounced texture with increasing HE 
strain. This texture could not be observed in the recrystallized fraction. 
During DRX and SRX, subgrain structures close to the high angle grain boundaries of the ‘De 
current strand within the necklace with incompletely closed boundaries and with the size of “ Gf 
approximately the size of the DRX and SRX grains, respectively, developed. This is a “Bi 
strong indication for the transformation of subgrain boundaries into high angle grain 
boundaries as a nucleation mechanism. Below the critical strain ¢. for the onset of DRX, 
SRX kinetics have been observed with a strong influence of the pre-strain. 
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