Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 46 (2014) 89 
I. Petryshynets, F. Kovac, M. Sopko 
Institute of Materials Research of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Watsonova 47, 040 01 
Kosice, Slovakia 
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The present work is aimed to investigate the grain boundary migration induced by gradient 
of applied deformation in non — oriented silicon steels. Dynamic of grains boundary motion 
was investigated by difference of deformation value that was generated on the 
experimental steel. The gradient of deformation was applied through the cross section of 
the investigated steels. The mentioned gradient was obtained by hardness testing 
machine and two prepared form with uniform and stepwise deformation gradient. This 
ofaktfrei work is focused on an investigation of the influence of different intensity of deformations on 
the grain growth taking place exclusively in one sample. The obtained experimental results 
were realized to deeper understanding of grain growth phenomena and texture evolution in 
the grain oriented electrical steels. As experimental material was chosen the vacuum 
degassed NO steels with the 1% of silicon content. These materials were taken from 
industrial line after final cold rolling and then were subjected to the thermo mechanical 
dung“, treatment in laboratory conditions. The gradient deformation was analyzed by local 
s 296, 1997 misorientation map obtained from EBSD analysis of the investigated samples. 
hle®, Sonderband 
347, 2002 : , ; ; ; 
1d deren Einfluss The non-oriented electrical steels (NO) are soft magnetic materials which have 
ie Band 33. approximately the same magnetic properties in all directions of the sheet plane and 
because of this mainly used as core materials for rotating equipment [1]. The directional 
aration und isotropic magnetic properties can be provided by (100) [Ovw] so called “rotating” cub 
and 35 texture. This fact means high permeability in the plane of sheet, hence such a texture state 
) to be expected improves the efficiency of electrical devices. However, the final magnetic 
/orbereitung properties of these kinds of steels, from a technological point of view, are controlled by the 
Praktischen microstructure and substructure states i.e., grain size, grain morphology, density of 
crystallographic defect, preferable crystallographic orientation and chemical composition of 
the solid solution [2]. Often, the design procedure uses a simulation process to assist in 
understanding of the phenomena taking place during processing of the non-oriented 
steels. An important feature of these kinds of soft magnetic materials is the final 
microstructure and texture. Taking into account the directional anisotropy of physical 
properties in crystallographic lattice of ferrite (bcc) and the fact that NO steels are mainly 
used in circuit electromagnetic field (e.g. in electrical motors) it is necessary to provide 
crystallographic isotropy in the plane of sheet in order to achieve good final magnetic 
properties. [3].

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