Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 46 (2014) 255 
changes and SAF 2101, for which a high ferrite content was revealed, the investigated microstructures 
were well balanced, having phase amounts close to the 50/50 optimal value. 
various DSS 
e associated Table 2 - Austenite and ferrite volume fractions from image-analysis [%]. 
in DSS is not —- 
2101 2304 2205 2507 
Ferrite (a) 78 47 45.5 45 
Austenite (y) a4 53 54.5 55 
compositions e en ? . _ . 
ferent starting Cold rolling modified the AR-microstructures by fragmenting and refining the constituent 
irees by using phases. Grains shape was progressively changed and phases were gradually thinned in 
the orthogonal direction respect to the rolling plane, causing the formation of a strongly 
oriented microstructure. On the rolling plane, the grains were increasingly deformed and 
considerably fragmented at the highest deformation degrees (Fig. 1). 
s N 
0.0025 0.16 
0.0010 0.13 
0.0020 0.16 
0.0010 0.27 
Rolled (%CR) 
nt. The etched 
nning Electron 
1s were edited 
ASES. Figure 1 — DSS Microstructures in AR conditions (LH) and after 85% of thickness reduction (RH) 
0 measure the 
e AR, 50%CR Plastic deformation can also cause the formation of SIM from austenite. SIM is not easily 
Siemens D500 detectable in DSS, but austenite/SIM boundaries possess high interfacial energy, which 
p size of 0.05° may produce detectable metallographic contrasts. In this regard, the investigation on the 
etched samples revealed some features pointing out the possibility of such transformation. 
ce in the %CR 
developed and 
steresis loop. 
vere free from 
Sle 2. Except in a 
Figure 2 — Microstructural modifications in austenite after 35% (LH) and 65% (RH) of thickness reduction 
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