Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 46 (2014) 257 
ring structural ferrite peaks will be superimposed [5], making difficult a direct observation. Moreover, the 
1e y-grains as strong initial texture in SAF 2101 and 2205 and the heavy orientations acquired at high 
ctly related to deformations in all DSS hinder Rietveld refinements, making this method no reliable for a 
ore anodic [8] phases estimation. In any case, the presence of the y-peaks at the highest thickness 
same phase. reduction underlined that, if SIM formed. it did not replace the whole austenitic phase. 
Ictions can be 
stenite is less 
odifications in 3.4. MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS 
After demagnetization, the AR and %CR DSS were subjected to magnetic tests. SAF 2304 
and 2205, characterized by a well-balanced microstructure and by a discrete magnetic 
level of ferrite, were examined by means of the AC device. On the contrary, AC was not 
able to saturate SAF 2101 and 2507, owing to the high ferrite content in the former and to 
anite gave rise the high magnetic level of ferrite in the latter; therefore, the DC magnetometer was used. 
> FCC phase, The results provided by AC and DC measurements are not directly comparable but, if SIM 
ides, a greater transformation took place, an increasing in saturation magnetic field (Bmax) is expected. 
be addressed 0457 a 2101 00, 
he ferrite was 0,40-| --©--2304 (ac) 
yresence of a - ae 
g of the ferritic 030. 
agmented. g 025- 
® 0,20 - 
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0,05 ] 
oo] in - . 
0.05 +- —_— _—————— 
a 20 40 60 80 100 
thickness reduction (%} 
Fig. 4 — Saturation magnetic field (Bmax) as a function of the deformation degree. 
A progressive rising of Bmax Was registered in SAF 2101 and 2304 by increasing the 
deformation degree (Fig. 4), as already observed by [6,7]. In SAF 2205, only a little 
variation toward higher Bmax values at the highest thickness reduction was noted, whereas 
the saturation field remained almost unchanged in SAF 2507. The measurements revealed 
that cold rolling caused a strong increasing in magnetic phase amount in Lean DSS, which 
can be ascribed to SIM formation [6,7]. Moreover, SIM seemed also to form at the highest 
thickness reduction in SAF 2205, but in significantly lower extents respect to Lean DSS, 
owing to its greater stability. Conversely, SAF 2507 was found to be highly stable, and the 
saturation magnetic field only exhibited some fluctuations arising from local microstructural 
0 solubilisation inhomogeneities. 
304 and 2507 
ther hand, the 
to the principal 
and the heights 4. SUMMARY 
ld deformation 
Jhest thickness In the present work, the effects of cold rolling on various Duplex Stainless Steels (DSS) 
were investigated. The steels — SAF 2101, 2304, 2205 and 2507 — were deformed at 
ss steels, since various thickness reductions (from 15% to 85%) and the developed microstructural 
ırred, SIM and features were investigated. 

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