Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

378 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 46 (2014) 
amongst other things, enabled by the high measurement speed and high vertical ATC 
resolution across small and large measurement volumes. ENT 
By integrating the measurement unit into the machine tool the coordinate systems of the 
machining center and the optical sensor are the same and the need to unclamp and 
reclamp the component for quality control is eliminated. Due to the closed loop JH. L 
"processing-measuring-modifying-processing”, an up to four fold increase in accuracy is 1 Chai 
provided. Additionally, the elimination of clamping errors, automated quality assurance, 2 | nsti 
resource savings of 25%, a more efficient deployment of personnel and shorter lead times of Tec 
at a better output ratio are the main benefits of closed-loop manufacturing. 3 Aust 
Focus-Variation is used for the characterization of micro-structured surfaces. In the field of 
corrosive investigation the technology is applied to the analysis of different forms of The s 
corrosion, corrosive data and clarification of individual corrosive mechanics. The high | 
knowledge about circumstances causing erosive and corrosive attack of material surfaces angul: 
and protective layers of components leads to the establishment of new guidelines to electr 
develop more resistant material. In particular, profile and area measurements are used for entrar 
further mathematical computations of degradation rates. Also, measurement data and 3D knowr 
visualizations of fractured surfaces are used for further research and development mech: 
activities. from t 
The technology is a well-established technique to characterize surfaces with complex within 
geometries. Typical surface features coming along with corrosive specimen are steep relate: 
flanks and highly reflective properties. The vertical resolution up to 10nm can also be 
achieved at very inhomogeneous and rough geometries. 
1. IN 
[1] ISO/CD TS 25178-6 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) -- Surface texture: electr 
Areal -- Part 6: Classification of methods for measuring surface texture. resolu 
[2] Danzl, Reinhard: 3-D Messung durch Verwendung eines FarbfokusSensors. tomog 
In: Leitfaden zur Inspektion von Oberflächen mit Bildverarbeitung (2006), Vision 9, atomi 
Seite 16 — 19. ISBN 3-8167-7061-4. twin 
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