Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

112 Prokt. Met. Sonderband 47 (2015) 
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1. Ein 
eit 02 
Fig. 3: The morphology of the centrifugally atomized NdFeB flake at wheel speed of 280 rpm; SEM micrograph, oo 
polished cross section 
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Fig. 4: B-H curves for samples 1 to 3 
Centrifugal atomization technique enables at optimal processing parameters (wheel speed, melting 
time) production of NdFeB flakes with optimal microstructure consisting of fine and columnar 
grains of main Nd,Fe 4B phase separated by the Nd-rich phase dispersed uniformly along the main 
phase which is strongly desirable for preparation of high performance magnets with high 
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