Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

52  Prakt. Met. Sonderband 50 (20146) 
5 Literatur Das Eutektil 
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[8] M. Engstler, A. Velichko, F. Miicklich. Special Issue of Practical Metallography, 2008, 281- Möglichkeit der 
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[9] F. Lasagni, A. Lasagni, M. Engstler, H.P. Degischer, F. Mücklich, Advanced Engineering Ma- Ci Sanh 
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[10] C. Holzapfel. F. Soldera, E. Faundez, F. Miicklich, Journal of Microscopy, 2007, 227, 42-50 Pie, vie os 
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