Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

64  Prakt. Met. Sonderband 50 (20146) 
It is not possible to determine the amount of retained austenite metallographically, as the Mögli 
majority of it is present in the form of nano-thin films between the bainitic ferrite plates. 
Examination of the light etched regions of the steel KAB 1 yield values close to 8%, whereas il 
XRD measurements determine it to be 21%. The measured fraction of retained austenite using Gabriele 
XRD is generally influenced by the method of specimen preparation, in the current study 
however the austenite is highly stable, and not particularly sensitive to the method of In vielen 
specimen preparation. zung zu 
diese, ei 
Conclusions keine Er 
o The color contrast obtained via tint etching of the studied steels with 7% Na2S20s has nicht det 
been shown to yield reliable and repeatable results, of the martensite volume fraction, Getiigeb 
especially when martensite is present in appreciable amounts, it would seem that very setzen ZI 
small regions of martensite can also be identified. Tint etching can therefore be Die Fart 
deemed a suitable method for analyzing low temperature microstructures in KAB bei Gus: 
steels. grenzen, 
The retained austenite content cannot be determined with metallographic techniques und Lot 
due to the fine scale of the microstructure, but it is useful for determining the coarse untersch 
blocky regions detrimental to the overall mechanical properties. aussche 
Tint etching has been shown to be advantageous for image analysis compared to attack 
etchants. due to a more distinct phase contrast. 
Acknowledgement Ansetze 
The authors would like to thank dr. Henrik Kaker for performing the XRD measurments. Für das 
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