Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

256 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 52 (2018) 
analysed, and therefore limited the model domain to a total scratch length of I =d + A. 
Finally, the law of variation of the depth between phases was assumed to be exponential. 
a 0 wm N d ; N2 .b) a= 45° a=11.3° 
E 0.01 ee A= 11.3% 0 
tome = 57° | -0.04 
z we 00 = 2.86% N . 
- -0.02 0.2 J ? LZ y 
; -0.2°% 0.2 4 
! 0.03| n= k7° a= 2.86° In 
: Wow 
io ify 
OÖ -0.04 0 ot 
Bh Ch 0.04 . 
i L002 2 ve 
Scratch distance in ym 0 ied 
Figure 2 — Height model for four different attack angles a) Height function 2D view, b) Full Ti. 
3D visualization of the selected scratch model, all axes display distances in pm. wr 
Figure 2 shows the conceptual difference between these depths, the model domain and the 
behaviour of the selected function for different values of the effective attack angle a. {Rest 
Considering an wedge-shaped indenter of flank angle 26, Equation (3) can be rewritten in 
integral form: il 
2 d+ Foe: 
V, 2 je 
g = —_—— . 2 4 he 
Is = 5 tan8 J fan (%) + hy(x)?dx (4) N UM 
be r= 
After performing the integration in Equation (4) with the selected exponential function, 
simplifying, linearizing the exponential and logarithmic terms and rearranging the result, we 
arrive to: N 
V tan @ (hy — hg)? 
9s = Az fava + v(Aafav,a — Arfaba) + tana 2(d + AZ (dfaba + Afav,2) (5) 5 
Thus, it can be concluded that Equation (5) is an extension of the model presented in [8], = 
being reduced to the simpler form when the effective attack angle takes the value a = 90°. 
3. Disc: 
3. Experimental campaign Te 
To showcase the relevance of the aforementioned microstructural parameters in abrasive Er = 
wear settings, and also to complement the information already provided in the introduction oe 
and in the References [3-8], single nano-scratch tests were performed on three PM steels. i 
3.1. Materials is 
Three PM steels were chosen with different carbide composition, volume content, and Sh 
morphology. All steels were quenched and tempered. Table 1 summarises the main Wicuz 
features, steel type and chemical composition of each steel. The final polishing was SC 
performed with a diamond suspension containing an average grain size of 0.04 um. crs: 

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