Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

312 Prakt. Met. Sonderband 52 (2018) 
Table 1: Model comparison gildana 
Large U-Net Small U-Net Small U-Net (scaled) 0 
Iterations 326000(~1 week) 300000(~5 days) 65000(~1 day) = 
#Parameters > 33 million > 15 million > 5 million 
mioU 0.83399 0.81243 0.78289 
Deviation 94.4% 96.9% 96.7% 
Evaluationtime ~~ 23s/img ~ 9sfimg ~ 0.4s/img 
. . (urzfass 
6. Summary and Discussion 
Deep Learning is used to segment metallographic images fully automatically in very good pe 
accordance to ground truth images segmented in a semiautomatic workflow. To achieve a Sr m 
uniform image input we investigated suitable pre-processing techniques. Categorical Tan 
encoding of the jpeg compressed image by thresholding and contrasting by Contrast we 
Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization shows good performance. We demonstrate a 
tiling strategy to partition input images larger than the U-Net input pixel-size, that contains 
neighbor and border information. We evaluated three Fully Convolutional Network (FCN) jEinlen 
architectures based on U-Net. The “Large U-Net” results in the highest mloU but has not 
the highest conformance to the acceptable range. For the used data set it turned out, that vee 
the trainable depth of the FCN can be reduced which leads to an increase in speed without Avon 
losing quality. For an even faster FCN, the used overlap-tile strategy could also be kn einher 
replaced by scaling down without significant change in the determined phase fractions. pine 
The solved image analysis task is relative complex. Thus we are confident, that the “U- x entsta 
Net” can also be used for other completely different image analysis tasks in the future. rr 
set und 
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