Full text: Fortschritte in der Metallographie

Prakt. Met. Sonderband 52 (2018) 19 
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Fig. 7: Deep-etched Low-alloy Steel, Pearlite Colony. Cold Field Emission Cathode 
4. Hot Cracking Phenomena & Eureka Encounters 
Many failure analysts will agree that in some difficult cases one might look at a fracture for 
weeks without being able to arrive at a plausible conclusion. It is all the more exhilarating 
in these cases to finally see the light. Archimedes called out "Eureka!" when he found the 
principle later named after him. What is more, rumour has it he jumped out of his bathtub 
and ran around Syracuse stark naked, continuing to shout "Eureka!" which is Greek and 
means "| have found!" Some modern failure analysts might still call out "Eureka!" from time 
to time. However, nowadays they try to avoid the naked part. 

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