“ -— 1
TO evap Pelasgic race, i. 271; aboriginal in. embassy to Artaxerxes, 123; their
SIE gy habitants of the Peloponnese, iv. 313. mythic war against Thebes, 894;
DN Kips Arceanus, i. 516. their supposed relationship to the
- 8 Nerthy Arcesilaiis I., iii. 130. Persians, 122 ; their tribes, iii. 268;
@ 0% lug fag — 11, iii, 135. customs, i. 209; iii. 285.
08 igod- ——— III, expelled from Cyrene, Argo, sails to Colchis from Aphets,
letapontr iii. 137; recovers his throne, 139; iv. 157 ; driven to Lake Tritonis, iii.
t OF Cro murdered, 139; the king who sub. 151.
| te reproge mitted to Cambyses, 140. Argonautic expedition, i. 145; iii. 116,
——— IV., iii. 138. 150.
the Baxi Archander, 1. an Egyptian town, ii. 162; Argos, festival of Juno at, i. 165; cele-
lonina Gal, iy 2. the son of Phthius, 162. brated by Homer, iii. 267 ; settlement;
Archandropolis, ii. 162. | of Dorians at, 322; threatened by
Archelai, iii. 268. Cleomenes, 458; Greek embassy to,
i Archelaiis, iv. 165. iv. 120.
Archestratidas, iv. 444. Ariabignes, iv. 259.
45; death, 54 Archias, 1. father of Samius, ii. 452; Arian nation, i. 388, 695 ; iv. 58.
with Nebucksi, 2. son of Samius, 452. Arians of Herat, i. 699; ii. 487; ac-
aaghter Nig Archidamus, king of Sparta, iii. 445. count of, iv. 197.
—— - ——, ancestor of Leotychides, Ariantas, iii. 71.
v. 463. iv. 359. Ariapeithes, iii. 66.
sogeiohy § 1% Archidicé, ii. 211. Ariaramnes, 1. an ancestor of Xerxes, iv.
xonena, 4. Archilochus, i. 153. 14, 257; 2. a Persian who fought at
esis & Ardericca, 1. on the Euphrates, i. 306; Salamis, 329.
ny oi 2. in Cissia, iii. 496. Aridolis, iv. 158.
sasition. § Ardomanes, ii. 468, 612. Arima, iii. 24, 192.
OM Ardys, i. 155, 353. Arimaspea, i. 47 ; iii. 11.
ad sei Areopagus, iv. 300. Arimaspi, iii. 11, 23 ; ii. 505.
RR Argades, iii. 266. Arimnestus, iv. 431.
eon Argadeis, iii. 265, 367. Ariomardus, 1. a son of Darius, iv. 260 ;
wg bm Argzeus, iv. 366. 2. a brother of Artyphius, 262.
= i } Arganthonius, i. 283, 284. Arion, legend of, i. 159, 160.
RO Argé and Opis, story of, iii. 29. Ariphron, iii. 506. -
i, WC; 1 Argeia, iii. 439. Arisba, i. 275.
arg ie Argilus, iv. 95. Aristagoras of Miletus, attacks Naxos,
ER 2 Argiopius, iv. 420. iii. 232; calls a council, 236 ; revolts
Way of A Argippeeans, iii. 21. against Darius and goes to Sparta,
rid her S08 Argives, their ancient superiority over 245 ; his speech, 246; dismissed from
} the other Greeks, i. 144; iv. 120; Sparta, 250 ; proceeds to Athens, 254,
shea, Ha extent of their dominion at one time, 297 ; marches on Sardis, 300; his
paca goograpt i. 208; their eminence in music, ii. flight and death, 316.
¢ the wom. 34 518; contend with Sparta for the —————— of Cymdé, iii. 110, 238.
possession of Thyrea, i. 209; assist —————— of Cyzicus, iii. 110.
Pisistratus as mercenaries, 185; war Aristeas of Proconnesus, i. 47 ; his ac-
with Clisthenes of Sicyon, iii. 267; count of the Scyths, iii. 11; story of,
assist Egina against Athens, 284; 12.
attacked by Cleomenes, 460 ; suffer a ~~ ———— of Corinth, iv. 112. ;
great loss, 461; contend with their Aristides, portrayed by Herodotus, i.
own slaves, 464; Argive volunteers 126; his address to Themistocles ab
aid Egina, 471; refuse to aid the Salamis, iv. 819 ; exploits at Salamis,
oartans 5 Greeks against Xerxes, iv. 121, 122; 332.
sr make a treaty with Xerxes, 123 ; have Aristocrates, iii. 456.
alr dealings with Mardonius, 380 ; assist ~~ Aristocyprus, iii. 310.
harmo Tegeans against Sparta, 406; assist Aristodémus, father of Eurysthenes and
Hota Athenians at Tanagra, 407; send Procles, iii. 118, 326, 439; iv. 165, 359.