Aristodémus, iv. 180, 430. Artaphernes, 1. son of Hystaspes, made
Aristodicus, and the oracle, i. 281. satrap of Sardis, iii. 228; aids Arista-
Aristogeiton, iii. 255, 488, 498. goras against Naxos, 232; receives an
Aristolaids, i. 183; iii. 404. embassy from Athens, 273; threatens ’
Aristomachus, iii. 821, 826, 439; iv. Athens, 297; saves the citadel of :
165, 359. Sardis, 300; takes measures to put
Ariston, king of Sparta, story of, iii. down the revolt, 316; his speech to
447. Histiseus, 406 ; puts Histiseus to death, }
————, king of Byzantium, iii. 110. 424; meaning of his mame, 541; ;
Aristonicé, iv. 114. half-brother of Darius, iv. 262; 2. son :
Aristonymus, iii. 501. of the former, goes with Datis to
Aristophantus, iii. 451. Marathon, iii. 472, 495; commander
Aristophilides, ii. 521. of the Lydians under Xerxes, iv. 68.
Arizanti, a Median tribe, i. 230. Artaxerxes, iii. 475; meaning of the
Arizus, iv. 71. term, 541; sends gifts to descend-
Armais, ii. 177. ants of Mascames, iv. 89; embassy
Armamithras, iv. 74. sent to him by the Argives, 122;
Armenia, its physical geography, i. 593; called Longimanus, 261.
included in the empire of Darius, ii. Artayctes,iv. 70; his impiety, 461; his
487. punishment, 463.
Armenians, colonists of the Phrygians, Artaynta,.iv. 262, 457.
iv. 68, 249 ; adjoin on the Cilicians, Artayntes, iv. 455, 456.
iii. 247; included in the troops of Artazbstra, iii. 484; iv. 260.
Xerxes, iv. 68; export wine to Baby- Artembares, 1. a Median noble, i. 241;
lonia, i. 317; their boats, 317. 2. a Persian noble, iv. 463.
Arrow-heads of flint, iv. 64, 65. Artemisia, portrayed by Herodotus, i.
Arpoxais, iii. 5. 129; assists Xerxes, iv. 83; her ad.
Arsamenes, iv. 63. vice to him at Salamis, 310 ; her con-
Arsames, 1. son of Ariaramnes, i. 330 ; duct there, 324; consulted by him
iv. 14, 178, 237 ; 2. son of Darius, 65, after the battle, 338 ; entrusted with
260. the care of his sons, 339.
Artaba, i. 313. Artemisium, iv. 144; 1st battle at, 270;
Artabanus dissuades Darius from at- 2nd, 271; 3rd, 272.
tacking the Scythians, iii. 73 ; opposes Artimpasa, iii. 50, 195.
the invasion of Greece, iv. 11; col- Artiscus, iii. 81.
loquy with Xerxes, 17; second col- Artochmes, iv. 68.
loquy, 45; sent back to Susa, 49; his ~~ Artontes, 1. father of Bageeus, ii. 515;
family, 262. 2. son of Mardonius, iv. 440.
Artabates, iv. 63. Artybius, and his horse, iii. 309.
Artabazanes, iv. 259. . Artyntes, iv. 63.
Artabazus, iv. 63; accompanies Xerxes Artyphius, iv. 63, 262.
to the Hellespont, 854; besieges Artystone, ii. 482; iv. 65, 256.
Potideea, 355; dissnades Mardonius Arura, ii. 252.
from engaging at Plateea, 410 ; quits Aryandes, iii. 141.
the field without fighting, 426; his Aryandics, iv. 30.
return and route to Asia, 442. Aryénis, i. 201.
Artaca, iii. 12, 426. Asbystee, iii. 144.
Artachaees, iv. 24, 96. Ascalon, i. 233, 348; its temple, 234.
Artacheeus, 1. the father of Artayntes, Aschy, iii. 20.
iv. 857; 2. the father of Otaspes, 60. Ashdod, sieges of, i. 480; ii. 238.
Arteeans, iv. 55. Ashtaroth, ii. 545.
Arteeus, 1. the father of Artacheees, iv. Asia, chief tracts of, iii. 81 ; boundaries,
24; 2. the father of Azanes, 63. 36; meaning of term, 38.
Artamnes, iv. 257. Asia, wife of Prometheus, iii. 38.
Artanes, iv. 262. Asia Minor, its physical and political