Full text: The history of Herodotus (Vol. 4)

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Bystaspes i ASIAS. ATHENS. 
. ds Arigy geography, i. 874; its shape, 874;  Astarté, i. 658; ii. 183, 542. 
SI; Teeny great central plateau, 374; lake Aster, iii. 261. 
S03; thre region, 375; coast tracts, 877;  Astrabacus, iii. 453. 
8 clad] western rivers, 379; plains, 880; Astronomy, Egyptian, ii. 328. 
ensures fy contains fifteen nations, 381. Astyages marries Aryénis, i. 201 ; suc- 
v5 U3 Speech Asias, a tribe at Sardis, iii. 38. ceeds Cyaxares, 236 ; his visions, 236; 
cSt fo doy Asiatic costumes, iv. 56, 57. discovers Cyrus, 242; his cruel re- 
US name, 3 Asies, iii. 38. venge on Harpagus, 244; consults the 
iv. 362; Lg Asiné, iv. 314. Magi, 245; defeated by Cyrus, 251 ; 
$ wih Day Asmach, meaning of] ii. 44. kept in captivity, 255; his supposed 
8; command Asonides, iv. 147. identity with Darius the Mede, 405; 
r Serves, iv. Asopians, iv. 382. his war with Tigranes, 411. 
meaning of fs Asobpodorus, iv. 427. Asychis, identified with Shishak, ii. 212; 
atts to descent Asbpus, 1. a river of Beeotia, iii. 486; his brick pyramid, 213. 
v.89: embig iv. 161, 382, 398; 2. a river of Malis,  Atarantians, iii. 158. 
¢ Aires, 1 iv. 161. Atarbéchis, ii. 74. 
mn Asp, the, ii. 123. Atarneus, i. 281 ; iii. 407; iv. 81. 
mpicty, 41 Aspachani, ii. 468. Atargatis, i. 234. 
Aspathines, ii. 468, 474. Athamas, story of, iv. 160. 
Assa, iv. 98. Athénades, iv. 171. 
Asses, wild, iv. 73. Athenagoras, iv. 444. 
38. Assésus, i. 157. Athenians, their literati, i. 19; their 
ii noble. 3 4 Asshur, the supreme God of Assyria, i. character by Herodotus, 122; their 
CUgy 608; of Genesis, 611; his emblem, antiquity, iv. 132; fixity of abode, 
tw Herod 612. 132 ; their Pelasgic origin, i. 180; iii. 
CO or Asshur.-bani-pal, i. 491, 519. 363; iv. 295; they were Ionians, i. 
i WE ont Asshur-dayan, i. 460. 267, 270 ; their presence at Troy, iii. 
od Asshur-ebil-ili, 497 ; his palace at Nim- 362; iv. 132, 393; their war with the 
tr rud, 497. Amazons, iv. 394 ; their reception of 
ar Asshur-izir-pal, i. 465. fugitive Cadmeians, iii. 256; their 
da Asshur-nadin-sum, i. 518. behaviour to the Pelasgi who fortified 
li Asshur-ris-ilim, i. 460. the Acropolis, 511, 537 ; their increase 
Assyria, boundaries of, i. 149; its great in power on the adoption of free in- 
cities, 297 ; its fertility, 314; chrono- stitutions, 278; their merits at the 
logy and history of, 451; duration of time of the Persian war, iv. 113, 114; 
a ” the empire, 452; its earliest kings, their conduct at Artemisium, 273; 
Doge 5 455; six monarchs, 456 ; kings of the at Salamis, 8330; at Plateea, 386, 413, 
EAL upper dynasty, 474 ; its decline, 474; 426, 428; at Mycalé, 451, 453 ; they 
vino) chronology of the later kingdom, 501 ; take Sestos, 463 ; their war with the 
its duration and extent, 502 ; religious Peloponnesians, 432; with the Edo. 
wars, and centralization, 508 ; art at nians, 433 ; with the Carystians, 453. 
4. oh the fall of the empire, 510; its politi- Athens, its condition in the time of 
cal geography, 589; its gods, 605; Croesus, i. 182; altar of the twelve 
derivation of the word, iv. 60. gods at, ii. 9; tyrants expelled from, 
Assyrian History of Herodotus, i. 27, iii. 263; under Clisthenes, 264; its 
234, 305. caste divisions, 264; its tribes altered, 
Assyrian writing, iii. 78. 265; the “ Accursed,” 271; war with 
re fone 2 Assyrians, hold empire of Asia, i. 223; the Thebans, 278; attempt to seize 
attacked by Phraortes, 230; by Cy- the statues, 283; its population, 298; 
i i, 38 axares, 232; conquered by Cyaxares, obscurity of its early history, 361; 
235 ; their king, Sennacherib, ii. 219; its early condition and origin, 363; 
11. Domi included in the empire of Darius, first appearance in history, 364; 
‘ 486 ; furnish troops to Xerxes, iv. 59; Ionian migration, 365 ; the four tribes, 
sometimes called Syrians, 60. 265, 367 ; earlier divisions, 368; aris- 
tr Astacus, iii, 267. tocratic period, 373; Eupatrid as. 

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