Full text: The history of Herodotus (Vol. 4)

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sembly, 3877; oligarchy established, for the movements of cavalry, iv. 381 ; 
3878; laws of Draco, 380; Cylon’s invaded four times by the Dorians, iii. 
revolt, 271, 381; under Solon, 384; 275. 
under Pisistratus, i. 186; iii. 404;  Atyadse,i. 339. 
attacked by Spartans under Anchimo- ~~ Atys, 1. son of Creesus, i. 169 ; 2. son of 
lius, 261; attacked by Cleomenes, Manes, 150, 221 ; iv. 68; 3. father 
262; resists him, 273; threatened of Pythius, iv. 29. 
by a Peloponnesian army, 274; its  Auchate, iii. 5. 
escape, 276 ; defeats Chalcideans and ~~ Augila, iii. 145. 
Boeotians, 276; wars with Thebes, Auras, iii. 42. 
278, 279; wars with Egina, 286; Auschisa, iii. 145. 
refuses to receive back Hippias, Auseans, iii. 151, 165. 
297; aids Aristagoras, 300; with.  Autesion, iii. 147. 
draws after the battle of Ephesus, Autodicus, iv. 441. 
303; mourns the fall of Miletus, 418;  Autonoiis, iv. 291. 
prevails on Sparta to attack Egina, Auxesia, iii. 281. 
438; receives the Eginetan hos.  Axius, iv. 102. 
tages, 456; refuses to restore them,  Axus, iii. 124. 
466; renews the war with Egina, Azanes, iv. 63. 
469 ; defeats the Eginetans, 471; aids Azania, iii. 504. 
Eretria against Datis, 476; sends army ~~ Auziris, iii. 127, 143. 
to Marathon, 480; battle there, 491 ;  Azotus (Ashdod), ii. 173; siege of, i. 233; 
threatened by Persian fleet, 493; in ii 238. 
danger from internal treachery, 497 ; 
consults the Delphic oracle about B. 
Xerxes, iv. 114; becomes a maritime 
power, 118 ; deserted on the approach ~~ Babil, mound of, ii. 576. 
of Xerxes, 293; attacked by him, 300; Babylon, topography of, ii. 472; its 
its acropolis and Mars’ Hill, 301 ; the vast size, i. 298, 527; ii. 572; its 
acropolis burnt, 801; re-occupied by walls, i. 300; its plan and defences, 
Athenians, 343 ; rejects the embassy 301; palace, 301; temple of Belus, 
of Mardonius, 370; Mardonius takes 802; golden image of Bel and 
it, 873; destroys it utterly on quit- treasures, 304; plundered by Xerxes, 
ting Attica, 381. 304; captured by Cyrus, 312, 542; 
Athor, ii. 71 ; account of, 74. its boats, 817; costume, 318; seals, 
Athothis, ii. 339. 319; wife sales, 321; treatment of 
Athos, canal of, iv. 24, 25, 98. the sick, 822; burial of the dead, 
Athos, Mount, iv. 24; dangerous cha- 822; Ichthyophagi, 325; connection 
racter of its coast, iii. 485, 473; iv. with Bel-Nimrod, 618; gradual decay 
26. and ruin, 545; its present condition, 
Athribis, ii. 251. 546; ii. 573; captured by Darius, ii. 
Athrys, iii. 43. 535. 
Atlantes, iii. 159. Babylonia, its productiveness, i. 316; 
Atlas, Mount, iii. 159. early history of, 420; probable date 
Atlas, river, iii. 42. of the Chaldean empire, 422 ; list of 
Atossa, ii. 467, 482, 519; iv. 3, 256, the earliest kings, 430, 450 ; peopled 
296. from Ethiopia, 432; general scheme 
Atropatené, i. 595. of early history, 432; later history, 
Attaginus, banquet of, iv. 883; de- 513; its physical geography, 590; 
manded by the Greeks, 441 ; makes gods, 605. See Gods. 
his escape, 442. Babylonians, assist Cyaxares against 
Attic tribes, iii. 266 ; measures, 444. Alyattes, i. 200; fear the growing 
Attica, its three districts, i. 183; iii. power of the Medes, 305; make alli- 
282; 403; the primitive country of ance with Croesus, 203 ; dress of, 818; 
the olive, 281: not suited generally customs, 320; invent the sun-dial, 

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