Full text: The history of Herodotus (Vol. 4)

ene 4.95 
f camry, iv 3. gnomon, and twelve hours, ii. 179; parentage and early history, 125; 
7 the Doig 5 revolt from Darius, 530, 595, 606; consults the oracle on his voice, 
: reduced and punished, 535; included 126 ; settles at Platea, 127; removes 
in the ninth satrapy, 486 ; form part to Cyrene, 130 ; reigns there, 130. 
L109 2 of the army of Xerxes, iv. 59, 60; Battus II., the Happy, iii. 131 ; defeats 
m 88; 3 ide were a Semitic race, i. 685, Apries, 132. 
- Bacalians, iii. 145. ——— III, the Lame, iii. 135; deprived 
Bacchiadee, iii. 289. of his chief privileges, 136. 
Bacchus, identified with Osiris, ii. 76, ——— IV., the Fair, iii. 138. 
223; antiquity of his worship in Egypt,  Bebiyt, temple at, ii. 104. 
223 ; introduced thence into Greece, Becos, story of, ii. 3, 276. 
224; by Melampus, 91; birth and Beer, Egyptian, ii. 126. 
infancy of Bacchus, 224, 501; his Behistun, great inscription at, i. 250, 
worship in Egypt, 76, 86; at Meros, 255, 544; ii. 591. 
42; at Nysa, 489; by the Arabians, Bel, worship of, i. 302, 651. 
407 ; at Olbia, iii. 68; by the Geloni, Belbina, iv. 854. 
93 ; by the Thracians, 213; at Sicyon,  Belesis, i. 405. 
268; by the Satra, iv. 93. Belian gates of Babylon, i. 535. 
Bacis, oracle of, iv. 275, 318; fulfilment  Belibus, i. 517. 
of his prophecy, 834, 411. Bel-kudur-uzur, i. 459. 
Bactra, iii. 411; iv. 200. Bel-Merodach, i. 650. 
Fim Bactria, i. 277; included in Persia, ii.  Bel-Nimrod, i. 617 ; etymology of, 619. 
#: SR OL 593, 604; Barceseans placed there, iii. Belshazzar, i. 542. 
177 ; governed by Masistes, iv. 460;  Belus, father of Ninus, i. 150; perhaps 
geographical limits, 199. the same as Jupiter Belus, 302. 
Bactrians, included in the satrapies of  Bendamir, river, i. 563. ; 
Darius, ii. 486; serve in the army of Benhadad, i. 469. 
RT Xerxes, iv. 63; chosen by Mardonius  Bermius, Mount, iv. 365. 
My I Hai to remain, 347; engaged at Platea, Berosus, i. 62; his chronology, 421, 444, 
a; bi 399; ethnic character, i. 698 ; iv. 198. 454. 
tan and defo Badres, iii. 142 ; iv. 69. Berytus, rock tablet at, ii. 367. 
temple of Be Bageeus, ii. 515; iv. 70. Bessi, iv. 93. 
go of Bela Bagasaces, iv. 262. Bias of Priéné, i. 162, 288. 
dered by Jem Ball, game of, i. 222; ii. 319. Bias, brother of Melampus, iv. 405. 
yous, SL Barada, river, i. 566. Bilta, wife of Bel-Nimrod, i. 625. 
stume; 318; sid Barca, 1.in Africa, founding of, iii. 134; Birds in Egypt, ii. 33, 122 ; used as 
21: treatment § site and name, 134; captured by food, 128, 129. 
cal of the da Pheretima, 175; included in the Birs-Nimrud, i. 228, 529, 663; ii. 574 ; 
39. comet satrapies of Darius, ii. 486; 2. in its present appearance, 581; its 
3. gradnal deat Bactria, iii. 177. builder, 586. 
sosent confit Barceeans, give themselves up to Cam-  Bisaltee, iv. 95, 349. 
od by Dans byses, ii. 411; murder Arcesilaiis ITI.,  Bisaltes, iii. 422. 
iii. 140 ; acknowledge the act as that  Bisaltia, iv. 95. 
oman 1, 3 of the nation, 142; besieged by the  Bisanthé, iv. 112. 
oul i Persians, 173 ; make terms, 174; car-  Bistonians, iv. 92. 
Co fd ried away captive, 175; settled in  Bistonis, lake, iv. 92. 
0 (6): vend Bactria, 176. Bithynia, its position in Asia Minor, i. 384. 
" orl gl Baris, ii. 158. Bithynians, originally from Thrace, iv. 
or [A Bar-shem, i. 646. 68; conquered by Croesus, i. 163 ; 
og ir Basileides, iv. 359. served in the army of Xerxes, iv. 69. 
pL Bassaces, iv. 69. See Bagasaces. Bito, i. 165. 
oe i Battiadee, dynasty of, iii. 138. Bitumen-springs at Is, i. 300, 301. 
as . Battus, meaning of, iii. 125; Bdrrov Black doves, myth of the, ii. 98. 
lad oir¢iov, meaning of, 131. Boats on the Euphrates, i. 317; Egyp- 
NS Battus I., son of Polymnestus, iii. 125; tian, ii. 154, 160. 
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