4f, ; =
Bocchoris the Wise, ii. 377. Butacidas, iii. 245.
Boebets, lake, iv. 106. Buto, ii. 103 ; temple at, 235.
Beeotia, formerly Cadmeis, ii. 92; tra- Bybassian Chersonese, i. 294.
versed by Xerxes, iv. 284; entered Byblus, ii. 150. See Papyrus.
by Mardonius, 872; entered by the Byzantium, iii. 115, 229, 303, 425; iv.
allied Greeks, 386. 443.
Boeotians, drive out Cadmeians, iii. 256 ;
invade Attica, 274; defeated, 276;
continue the war, 280; join the Per- 3
sians, iv. 284, 309; serve at Plateea,
399 ; inform Mardonius of the change Cabalians, 1. of Asia, iv. 69, 230; ii.
made in the position of the Athenians 485; 2. of Africa, iii. 145.
and Lacedszemonians, 413 ; combat Cabiri, ii. 95, 439.
the Athenians, 426 ; protect the Per- Cabyles, iii. 145.
sian retreat, 427. Cadmeian characters, iii. 258.
Boges, iv. 90. ———— victory, i. 286.
Bolbitine mouth of Nile, ii. 27. Cadmeians, i. 180; iii. 256, 259 ; iv. 394.
Boreas, invoked by the Athenians,iv. 154. Cadmus, son of Agenor, ii. 92; iii. 119,
Borsippa, temple at, i. 229 ; elevation of, 256, 259.
529. ———, son of Scythas, iv. 133.
Boryes, iii. 161. Cadytis, i. 526 ; ii. 243, 404.
Borysthenes, river, iii. 15, 42, 46. Ceeneus, iii. 289.
Borysthenes, town, iii. 68, 69. Caicus, river, i. 379; iv. 41; plain of,
Borysthenites, people of the city of iii. 423.
Borysthenes, or Olbia, iii. 16, 48, 67. Calacta, iii. 419.
Bosphorus, Cimmerian, iii. 10, 24, 88. Calah, i. 465, 470, 590. y
Bosphorus, Thracian, iii. 78, 75. Calami, iv. 447.
Bottisea, iv. 101, 102. Calantian Indians, ii. 489. ‘
Bottiseans, iv. 355. Calasirians, ii. 249, 251 ; iv. 399.
Bowarieh, mound of, i. 428. Calatians, ii. 440.
Branchidee, oracle of, i. 174, 216, 279; Calchas, iv. 80. {
ii. 243 ; iii. 237, 417. Calé Acté, iii. 419.
Brauron, iii. 116, 512. Calendar, Egyptian, ii. 134.
Briantica, iv. 91. Callatébus, iv. 32.
Bricks, Egyptian, use of, ii. 215. Calliades, iv. 299.
Brigians, iv. 67. Callias of Elis, iii. 243.
Brongus, river, iii. 43. — — of Athens, son of Hipponicus, iv.
Bronze, ancient use of, i. 512. 123.
Brooches, Argive and Eginetan, iii. 285. - — of Athens, son of Pheenippus, iii.
Brundusium, iii. 88. 497.
Bryges, iv. 67, 150. Callicrates, iv. 430.
Bubares, iii. 225; iv. 24, 363. Callimachus, iii. 491.
Bubastis, ii. 103, 113, 216; the temple Callipedee, iii. 14.
of, 217; the nome of, 249. Calliphon, ii. 513.
— an Egyptian goddess, ii. 216, Callipolis, iv. 126.
217, 238, 286. Calliste, iii. 119.
Bucolic mouth of Nile, ii. 27. Calycadnus, i. 378.
Budii, Median tribe, i. 230, 418, 681. Calydna, iv. 83.
Budini, iii. 19, 92. Calynda, i. 291; iv. 324.
Bulis, iv. 110, 111. (Camarina, iv. 126. |
Bura, i. 271. Cambyses I, iv. 252.
Burna.-buriyas, i. 449. II, father of Cyrus, i. 17%
Busse, Median tribe, i. 230. 237 ; iv. 253.
Busiris, feast of Isis at, ii. 104; the ——— TIL, son of Cyrus, ii. 1; his
nome of, 249. expedition against Egypt, 388, 402;
26 {(NDEX