50“ 2; Zeitalter
in Gentleman's Magazine *), im London Magazine *),
in Jak. Robinson"s Harlejan miscellany *), im ;
Medical Museum '*), und in P. Templeman's
Curious remarks and observations in Physic, Anato- (:
my, Chirurgery ,“ Chemisiry , Botany and Medeci- Ü
ne *), im Nouveau journal des savans ?), in den Me- .
moires de Trevoux *), in den von Karl-le Gobien
gesammleten Lettres ddifiantes et curieuses *), in P. :
Dougeant's Oblervations curieulss sur toutes les «
or the Miscellanea euriosa of the Imperial Society at
Vienna. the Breslaw ColleQion , the Ada Eruditorum
Lips. the Commentarii Academiae Scientiarum Imperialis
Petropolitanae, the AQa litteraria Succiae, the Commerc,
Lit. Norimb. the Miscellanea Berolinensia, the Ada
Hafniensia, the Ats of the royal Society at Stock-
bölim &c. but likewise in the (everal academica] theses,
or Dißiertations in the severa) Faculties , .at the Univer
sities all over Germany &c. London, 4. B.1. 1742.
8) and historical chronicle, London, 8. B, 1-XL. 173x1-
t) or Gentleman's monthly intelligencer, Lond, 8. welches
1732 anfieng , und noch fortdaurt; :
u) or Colledtion of scarce , curious and entertaining
Traits and Pamphlets found in the late Earl of Oxford's
Library. London. 1744. 8.
x) London, 8. B. LIL 4763. II. IV. 1764.
y) extraded from the Hiftory and Memoirs of the Royal
Academie of sciences at Paris, containing such useful
discoveries, as have not been colleded by other wri-
ter on the fame sübjeQ. London; 1753, 8.
z) das 1696 anfieng.
a)./welche 1700 anfiengen.
b); Ecrites des Missions etrangeres par quelques Missionai-
res.de Ja Compagnie de Jesus, 3 Paris, 42. B. I= XXXIEL,
47032 = 1774.