Full text: Bis gegen das lezte Viertheil des achtzehenden Jahrhunderts (8. Abtheilung, II, 2. Band)

54. I. Zeitalter der neueren: Geschichte , 
gold. niederschlagen *), aus Safran und Gilbwurz fon: 
eine rothgelbe Farbe ausziehen 8), mit Säuren in ei- ziehn 
niger Entfernung zusammengehalten , einen weissen 
Rauch machen ") , Zink ') und Kupfer *), dieses mit 
hochblauer Farbe, doch nicht immer !), auflösen, und “ 
daher zu Entdeckung des Kupfers gebraucht werden 
€) On the usefullness of experimental philosophy. Works. 
B. I11. S, 153. 
g) Natural history of human blood. Works, B. IV. 
S. 184: 
h) a. e. a, O. S. 198. “This is easily done by. putting 
any strong acid spirit as of salt or of nitre &c. into a 
vial (somewhat wide mouthed , a some well dephlegmed 
spirit of'bload into an other; for when J purposely in- 
clined these glasses so towards one an other, that their 
lips did almost touch, and their respe&ive liquors were 
ready to run out, though neither of the liquors did at 
all vifibly fume whilst they were kept asunder , though 
the glasses were unstopped , yet, as soon as the liquors 
came to be approached in the way just now mentioned, 
the fumes meeting each other in the air would make 
coalitions which would be manifestly vißble in the form 
of ascending smoke, which was wont at first to surprize 
the deligthed spedator." 
i) (of the mechanical causes of chemical precipitation, | 
Ch. V. Works. B.III. S. 6g0.) z. B. Blutgeist bei ä 
schwacher äuserer Hize mit vielen Blasen. a. e. a. OD. » 
S. 183. Harngeist Of the mechanical origin of corro- N 
siveness and corrofibility. Exp. XIII. Works, B.; UL . 
S. 628. . 
Kk) Salmiakgeist Experim, et considerat. de coloribus, 5 
S. 276. Rugsgeist. General history of the air. B.V. z 
S. 119. 120. Harngeist a. e. a. O. S. 119. Blutgeist. c 
Natural history of human blood. T. VIII. Works. s 
B. IV. S. 183. T. XI. S. 186. 4 XII, S. 188. 3! 
1) Schön er bemerkte, daß die äusere Luft grosen Einflus Ä 
auf diese Farbe habe. General history of the air. Works. ß 
B. V. S, 120. 183. Natural history of huwan blood. är 
T, XII, Works, B.IV, S. 188.

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