Full text: Bis gegen das lezte Viertheil des achtzehenden Jahrhunderts (8. Abtheilung, II, 2. Band)

oder Boyle's Zeitalter. 55 
bwurz können 2), daß sie aber zu Säuren keine so starke An- 
in ei? ziehungskräft haben, als fenervestes Laugensalz "), und 
weissen daher 
es mit 
1, und m) zB. um den Kupfergehalt des Goldes zu entdecken, 
verden On the usefullness of experimental philosophy. Works. 
< B. 111. S. 153. “J conlidered with myself, that a 
fon good urinous spirit beiing imployed instead of the usval 
Works. menstruum (oil of tartar) as it would precipitate gold 
out of aqua regis, so it would readily diffolve copper 3 
B,. IV. J conje&ured , that by the aftufsion of such a liquor J 
might bofh discover, whether the solution (whose co- 
. Jour did not at all accuse it) contained any copper, and 
Putins if it did free the gold in great part from the baser me- 
mo 2 tal: and indeed J found, that after the urinous spirit 
legmed had precipitated the gold into a üne calx, the superna- 
sely in- tant liquor was highly tinged with blue, that betrayed 
tt their the alloy of copper, that did not before appear." 
cs Were 
did at n) Natural hißory of human blood. T. XIV. Works. 
though B.IV. S. 189. “We took some pure volatile salt of 
liquors human blood, and having just satiated it with spirit of 
tioned, nitre , we Nowly evaporated away the superfluous moi- 
| make sture, that the acid and urinous salts might be united 
ec form into a dry concretion, from which my design was, to 
UrPrize separate them again, the salt of blood in its pristine 
form , and the spirit of nitre in the form of saltpetre. 
AEON. To effee& this, we put the compounded salt into a swalt 
eist bei bol: head with a Jong and sender veck, and then 
9 added to it a convenient quantity of salt of tartar; and 
DIP as much distitled water, as would suffice to make the 
3. IIT mixture somewhat liquid, to promote the action of the 
“u contrary salts upon one an other. By which mutnal 
| action we supposed , that che saline spirits of nitre, 
ribus. being more congruous 20 1zhe fixed salt, zhan z0 rke vola- 
B. V. zile , would forsake the salt of blood, ( which it de- 
utgeist. tained before from fiying away) and give it leave to 
Vorks. sublime ; and accordingly, having Kept the glass, where- 
38. in the mixture was made, for a competent time in 
Finflus a convenient heat, we obtained , what we looked- for, 
Vorks. since a good proportion of fine volatile salt ascended, 
blood. in a dry form, into the neck." S, guch Experimenta et 
D 4 cOn-

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