Full text: Bis gegen das lezte Viertheil des achtzehenden Jahrhunderts (8. Abtheilung, II, 2. Band)

56 1. Zeitalter der neueren Geschichte, 
daher durch dieses *), so wie durch Kalk 2) und. Gal- mit 
mei %).aus. Salmiak und ähnlichen. Salzen geschieden und 
werden können, gens 
Eben so wohl kannte er die Natur der Säuren: same 
er wuste, daß sie mehrere Körper, doch mit verschie Scht 
dener Krast "), auflösen, daß sie durch die Sättigung salze: 
mit nen «> 
consideration. de“ coloribus. S, 276. 277. Chemist, auen 
sreptic. S. 63. 64. die b 
2). Chemista scepticus, und Experimenta et considerationes 8 * 
de coloribus a. Dd. e. a. O. *non dubitem Spiritum Sa- fes : 
fis ammoniaci, quando ad manum est, loco. Spiritus Rhe? 
Urinae, adhibere, ut reipsa videtur praeciput confiste- 
re (praeter phlegma, quod fluiditatem ipfius promovet) 
Volatili Sale Urinoso (non tamen excluso Sale Fuliginis) 
quod in Sale Armoniaco abundat, inque libertatem 3 
Sale marino est aslertum, quo prius sociatum grava- 
twmque erat; beneßicio operationis Alcali, quod Salis 
Armoniaci ingredientia dividit, Salque marinum: secum 
ipsa retinet," 
p) Of the mechanical origin and produ&ion of volatility, 
Ch. VI. Works. B. 11. S. 017. 
Y) 4,009. “There may be also cases, wherein a kind 
of volatilisation, improperly so called, may be affected, u 
by making use of such additaments, as break off, or vo 
otherwise divide the. particles ef the corpuscles to be 0) 
elevated , and by adhering to, and so dlogging one of 
the particles , to which it proves more congruous, ena X 
ble the other which is uow brought, to be more light, v 
or disengaged, to ascend. This may be illustrated by 
what happens, when sal armoniac is well ground with 
Japis calaminaris, or with some fixed alcali -„ and then 
committed to distillation : for the sea-salt, that enters 
the composition of the sal armoniac being detained by 
the sone or the alcali, there is a divorce made between 
the common salt and the ürinous and fuliginous salts, 
that were incorporated with it being now disengaged 
from it, are cafily elevated." 
7) Of tie reconcileableness of specific medecines &c, 
* | Works,

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