Full text: Bis gegen das lezte Viertheil des achtzehenden Jahrhunderts (8. Abtheilung, II, 2. Band)

oder Stahls Zeitalter. 749 
von: Wasser zu Moffat, Thomson von Stahlwassern *), 
von und von dem Wasser zu Montrose"), J3.P. S h qw, der 
em auch eine Anleitung zur Prüfung der Gesundwasser 
1087 überhaupt gab *?) , von dem Wasser zu Sfkardo- 
vase rough ?), Short 1), P. Keir *) und G. Ran- 
Zest Dolph von dem Wasser zu Bristol *), Karl Perry 
Zals vom Spawasser ), Ant. Nelhänu und Johnston 
8); von dem Wasser zu Brighthelmstone ") , Chrph. 
lace Meigdan von dem Wasser zu Bareges 9), Wilh. 
und He- 
dem 1) Eflays and Obsfervat. Physic. and Litterary read before 
asjer a Society in Edinburgh, B.1, 1754. nr. 12. S. 341. 
M ers m) Medical Eslays and Observatious &c. B. I1. 1784. 
n) Ebendas, B. Il. 1735. 
yiof 0) Ebendas, a. e. a. O,. und Enquiry into the vertues of 
"Scarborough Spawater. London. 3734. 87 
'osta- pP) Methode generale d'analyses, ou recherches physiques sur 
alnei les moyens de connoitre toutes les caux minerales, tra- 
EE duit de PAnglois de M, Shaw par M. Coste. 3 Paris, 
XX. ee 
q) Account of the Bristol hotwell waters, London, 1703.4. 
„312. r) An enquiry into the nature of the mineral waters of 
351. Bristol, London, 1739. 8. 
8) An enquiry into the medicinal vertues of Bristol water, 
London. 1750, 8. 
13. t) Enquiry into the nature of Spaw waters. Lond. 1734. 
u) A Short History of Brightihelmf&ton with remarks on 
6: „its Air and an Analyfis of its Water, particularly of an 
* uncommon mineral one, London. 1761. 8. 
x) A Treatise of the Nature and Powers of the Baths 
and Waters of Bareges? in which their superior virtues 
X, IT. for the cure of gunshot or other Wounds, with all 
their complications, of inveterated Ulcers, fifules, cal- 
«17 Jofities and caries , likewise of muscular and nervyons 
Te contradious,' scirrhous tumours, anchyloses and many 
Edin- other diseases, as well internal as external, are demon- 
Smelin's Seschichte der Chemie, B. 11. Aaa fÜtra-

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