From the living faith in God and devotion and
gratitude to God, the manifest trinity of humility,
flows the virtue of fortitude, transforming debasing
weakness into glorious power, darkness into clear
light and low and morbid sentiments into exaltation
and joy.
The joy of heavenly beatitude becomes the per-
manent effect in him and the spirit of its power, wis-
dom and goodness imparts itself to those who are
fortunate enough to be near him.
With this inward attitude of will, he applies all
his mental faculties to the cognition of God and of
His holiest attributes, in order to understand and
delight in the grandeurs of the prototypical plan
of God, and in order to guide his visions according
to this divine plan, without the understanding of
which no law and no act or fact of life can be
clearly understood. The purpose and importance of
life must be seen in the absolute plan of life.
From this eternal ground of vision emanates wis-
dom, the power of estimating all things according to
the holy plan of God. The slightest oversight of this
insistent truth causes endless confusion, both in
theoretical and practical spheres.
Thus to be wise means to be determined to act, to
see and to love everything according to the eternal
plan of God. All other human wisdoms are only