Full text: The Religion of the soul

fragmentary and relative expressions of true wis- 
dom, which are frequently abused for ruthless and 
selfish aims. Of this unfortunate fact the inwardly 
religious soul 1s well aware and accepts nothing that 
manifests the slightest inconsistence with the eternal 
plan of God. Necessary evils exist only for the evil 
minded, but not for the wise and righteous. He 
neither accepts nor defends them. He combats them 
with all the power of his conscience. 
Only through this course of life is he able to at- 
tain the great virtue of simplicity, which consists in 
the sincerity of will, truthfulness of mind and 
modesty of attitude. 
This trinity of mental dispositions is the irrefut- 
able proof of the worthiness of his character and 
intellect. Everyone with any degree of conscience 
always looks for and depends on the sincerity, truth- 
fulness and modesty of him with whom he comes 
in contact. And nothing fills a conscience loving soul 
with more abomination than insincerity, falsehood 
and boastfulness. The uprightness and rectitude of 
the human character can be easily recognized by this 
unfailing test of truth. 
The inwardly religious man never allows a selfish 
motive to dominate his heart. By all means of edu- 
cation and experience he never ceases in his efforts 
to attain a greater content of sacrificial sentiments.

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