Full text: The Religion of the soul

times. So long as these base and destructive cults 
continue to exist, the necessity for the divine cult is 
all the more evident. 
Moreover, this particular necessity is supported 
by the logical necessity that our highest aspirations 
and efforts must have a collective form in order to 
prove and manifest the inward conviction of our 
divine childship and the true religious brotherhood. 
No race is excluded from and no social and mn- 
tellectual distinction is made in this cult. The ad- 
vantages are equal to all. 
The outer forms of the public cult consist in 
praise, offering, invocation, petition and thanksgiv- 
ing, expressed in solemn and simple art. 
Religious life is the supreme art of the soul and 
collective expressions ought to be sublime, impres- 
sive and elevating. The greatest immediate need 
of man 1s more religious profundity and elevation, in 
order to be moved to the active realization of his 
final destiny, consisting in the participation in Di- 
vine glory, might and beatitude. 

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