What is the soul?
The soul is a spiritual force consisting in self-
conscious and self-sentient autonomic will.
Why is the soul a personal being?
The soul is a spiritual and personal being because
it is the created reflex of the superspiritual and super-
personal Superbeing of God, from Whom 1t 1s con-
tinually dependent.
Why has the soul a free will?
The soul has a free will in order freely to par-
ticipate in, freely to cooperate with and freely to
affirm God, and by so doing affirm itself in God.
If the soul were not free, the spiritual essence of
the soul could not exist; it would not be a spiritual
being, but a natural thing; it could have no personal
responsibility, attain no personal merit and no joy
deriving therefrom. All joy derives from the merit
of a highly accomplished responsibility.
Why is the soul's will self-conscious?
The will of the soul is self-conscious because it
must know its own relative capacity; it must know