Full text: Des Ingenieurs Taschenbuch

Tabelle der Wassermengen pro Minute (=> 77) und 
von d= 1 bis 30 Zoll Weite bei v= 0,1 bis 
rihen A ld=1 | 2 | 3 |: 4 | 5 | 6 L 7 | 8 
9,0327] 0,1309| 0,2945 | 0,5236| 0,8181 | 1,1781 1,6035! 2,0944 
65 | 0,0670] 0,1304 | 0,0657| 0,0435| 0,0326| 0,0261 | 0,0217! 0,0186; 0,0163 
0,0654 0,2618| 0,5890 1,0472 1,6362| 2,3562 3,2070) 4,1888 
0,0522| 0,4011 | 0,2005 | 0,1337] 0,1003 ©0802 0,0668 0,0573 0,0501 
0,0982 0,3927 El een 2,4544| 3,5343 4,8106 6,2832 
9,0453! 0,7825 | 0,3912| 0,2608| 0,1956 7 0,1304 0,1118° 0,0978 
1 0,5236| 1,1781) 2,0944| 3,2725 | 4,7124 6,4141 8,3776 
‚0411| 1,2638 0,6319| 0,4213! 0,3159 0,2527] 0,2106 0,1805 | 0,1580 
0,1963| 0,7854 1,7671| 3,1415| 4,9087| 7,0686| 9,6211 12,566 
ı 0,0362] 2,5045 | 1,2522 0,8348| 0,6261 SrSO00| 0.4274 357 O,3131 
0,2618! 1,0472 2,3562! 4,1888 6,5450! 9,4248 12,828! 16,755 
| 0,0333) 4,0910 2,0460! 1,3670! 1,0230 0,8182| 0,6812 0,5845 0,5114. 
0,3272 1,3090 252! 3,2360 8,1812| 11,781 16,035| 20,944 
00313] 6,0115 3,0057| 2,0038 1,5029 1,2023| 1,0019 0,8588| 0,7514 
12 | 9,4091 1,6360 wi. 6,5450| 10,227| 14,726; 20,044 26,180 
25 0,0295] 8,8560 4,4280 2,9520 2,2140! 1,7710 1,4760) 1,2650 1,1070 
15 04909 1,9635| 4,4179! 7,8540 12,272| 17,671| 24,053| 31,416 
| 0,0282] 10,154! 5,0770| 3,3847 2,5385 2,0308| 1,6923! 1,4506| 1,2692 
575 | | 9,5727| 2,2907 — 9,1630| 14,317 20,617 28062 36,652 
7/9 | 0,0272| 15,982| 7,9910| 5,3273! 3,9955! 3,1964| 2,0637 GE 1,9977 
23 | 0,6545! 2,6180 5,8905 10,472 16,362 5562 32,070! 41,888 
” 10,0263| 20,237 10,113| 6,7457 5,0592| 4,0474 370 2,8910 2,5296 
25 | 8181| 3,2725 | 7,3631| 13,090| 20,453 29,452 40,088| 52,360 
7) * 0,0281} 30,110 75,055 10,037| 7,5275| 6,0220| 5,0183 4,3014| 3,7637 
BO, 0,9817/ 3,9270 8,8357| 15,708| 24,544 g5.343 48.106 62,832 
7 * 0.0242] 40748 20,874 13,916 10,437! 8,3496 6,9580 5,9640! 5,2185 
| 1,3090 EEE nm 20,944) 32,725 | 47,124| 64,141) 83,776 
1 0,0229] 70,195! 35,098 2539 17,549! 14,939 ““ 10,028| 8,7740 
| ] 1,6362 6,5450, 14,726 26,180| 40,906 58,905 | 80,176| 104,72 
9,0220! 105,39| 52,697! 35,132! 26,348 21,079 17509 15,056 13,174 
1,9635| 7,8540 17,671 31,415 49,087 70,686 96,211 125,66 
0,0213| 147,23 73,613 49,975) 3000 29,445| 24,538| 21,032| 18,403 
‚2,6180 10,472 23,562 41,888 65,450! 94,248! 128,28| 167,55 
9,0204! 250 73! 125,16 443 62,582! 50,066/ 41,722! 35,761| 31,291 
10,0 3,2725| 13,090| 29,452! 5236 81,812 sun 160,35 200,44 
) | 0,0197| 379,02 189,51, 126,34! 94,750! 75,804 | 63,170 54,150| 47,380 
*) Siehe Seite 171 4 
Zweiter Abschnitt. — Mechanik. 
aA N Cu) . 
Widerstandshöhen *) (A, =4 T zZ) für Röhrenleitungen 
; g 
10 Fuüfs Geschwindigkeit u. / == 1000 Fufs Länge. 
Pr a DA | „m m . 
a [30 lu] a2 | 35 | 18 1 21 
2,6507 | 3,2725| 3,9597 4,7124] 7>3631| 20,603| 14,432| 18,850 29,452! Q 
0,0145 | 0,6130] 0,0118 0,0109| 0,0087 0,0073 0,0062| 0,0054| 0,0044] hı 
5,3074 | 6,5450 7,9195 | 9,4248 24.70 21,206| 28,863| 37,699] 58,905| Q 
0,0446 | 0,0401 | 0,0365 | 0,0334 SO 00078 O,191 |0,0167| 0,0134) Bı 
7,9522 | 9,8175| 11,879 14,137 22,089 31,809 43,295| 56,549 88,357 Q 
0,0869 | 0,0782 A 0,0522) 0,0435 00373 0326 0,0261 hı 
10,603 | 13,090| 15,839) 18,850| 29,452| 42,41 1| 57,727 75,398 117,81 Q 
0,1404 0,1264| 0,1149| 0,1053| 0,0843| 0,0702 0,0602| 0,0527| 0,0421| hı 
15,904. | 19,635| 23,758! 28,274 | 44179 63,617] 86,590| 113,10, 176,713 Q 
9,2783 ' 0,2504| 0,2277 | 0,2087| 0,1670] 0,1391 | 0,1193] 0,1044 0,0835] hı 
21,206 | 26,180! 31,678| 37,699 58,906 84,823 115,45! 250,80| 235,62 Q 
0,4546 | 0,4091 | 0,3719| 0,3409 0,2734 0,2278, 0,1953! 9,1799| ©1367| hı 
26,507 | 32,725 | 39;597| 47124 73,631] 106,60 144,32| 188,50 294,52| Q 
0,6679 | 0,6012! 0,5465| 0,5010! 0,4008] 0,3349 0,2863! 0,2505 | 0,2004| h; 
33,134 | 40908 49.496 58,905 92,038 132,54| 180,40 235,62| 368,76] Q 
2,9840 0,8856| 0,8051 0,7380| 0,5904 | 0,4920 0,4217] 0,3690 0,2952] hı 
20,761 | 49,087 59,396| 70,686| 110,45 | 159,04 216,48) 282,74 441,79| @ 
1,1282 1,0154| ©9231 0,8462 0,6769 0,5641 0,4835 0,4231 0,3385 h; 
46,387 | 57,269| 69,295 | 82,467] 128,85 185,55 252,55 329,87 515,42 Q 
1,7758 1,5982 1,4529 1,3318 0685 08879 07619 0,6659 0,5327 hı 
53,024 | 65,450 79,195 94,248} 147,26! 212,06| 288,63 376,09 589,05| Q 
2,2485 | 2,0237 1,8397 1,0864| 1,3491 1,1243 0,9637| 0,8432| 0,0746! hı 
66,268 | 81,872 98.993 117,81] 184,08] 265,07! 360,79 471,24| 736,31) Q 
3,3457 SO 2,7373) 2,5092| 2,0074 TS 1,2546 1,0037| hı 
79,521 | 98,175 178,79) 14.1,37| 220,89 318,09 be bee 883,57 © 
4,6378 D174®. 3,7953 ed 2,3193| 1,9880 1,7395| 1,3916| 1 
106,03 | 130,99 158,39| 188,50! 294,52|.424,11 577,28 753,98 uı78x Q 
7,7994 | 7,0195 6,3814 5,3495 679 3,8997 3,3426 2,9248 2,3398 Ds 
132,54 163,62 197,99) 235,62 368,16 530,14 722,58 942,48 24726 Q 
11,710 | 10,539 9,5813| 8,783 | 3,0264 5,8553 5,1059) 4,3975 3,5132) hı 
159,04 | 196,35! 237,58! 282,74 442,78 636,17: 865,90, 11310| 1767;1 Q 
15,247 14723 13,384| 12,268 9,8150] 8,1792 7,0207 61344 4,9975| Bı 
212,06 | 261,80! 316,78| 376,99] 589,05 | 848,23 11545 1508,0| 2356,2) Q 
27,814 | 25,033| 22,757| 20,861 | 16,689) 13,907| 12,920] 10,430 8,3443 hı 
265,07 | 327,25| 395,97 471,24| 736,31 | 10603 —. 1885,0 20452 Q 
42.113 | 27,902! 234,46 | 31,585 25,268 21,057! 18,049! 15,7931 12,034! h;

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