Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

07. 509. 
3 96. 
Vational Normal, The, 829. 
of the earth, 31. 
of the world, 40. 
civilized, 43. 
enlightened, 185. 
Jatural science 
in secondary schools, 7. 
its educational value, 9, 27. 
a course of study for, 380. 
Nature, real, of education, 369. 
Nature studies, or artes reales, 153. 
Navy Department, 189. 
Nebolsine, A. de, 590. 
Nebraska, 14, 69, 92, 179, 246, 325. 
Nebulous condition, 47. 
Necossities in normal schools, 383, 408. 
Neck, all degrees have one, to be cut off 
with one stroke, 136. 
a pedagogical experimental, 11. 
of schools, 81. 
Needlework in Stockholm, 911. 
Needs, industrial, of localities, 6, 243. 266. 
Néel, M., 245. 
Neenah, Wis., 70. 
Neglected children, 244, 315. 
aducate him, 35. 
Christianize him. 85. 
Nestlerode, C. C., 840. 
Nestlerode, F. M., 840. 
Netherlands, 18, 68, 90, 179, 246, 385, 456. 
Neufahrwasser, Germany, 245. 
Nevada, 92. 
Newark, Del., 91. 
Newark, N. J., 180, 825, 886. 
Newark, O., 508, 519. 
Newbern, J. W., 843. 
Newberry College, 93. 
Newberry, S. C., 93. 
Newbold, William R., 681. 
New Britain, Conn., 68, 323. 
New Brunswick, Can., 384. 
New Brunswick, N. Y., 14. 
Newcomb, George B., 716. 
Newcombe, Mrs. L. T., 321, 323. 
New demands 
upon elementary schools, 589, 594. 
made by industries, 589, 594. 
New education, 
and the old, 18. 
sar excellence, 21. 
versed in, 198. 
New England, 
sons and daughters of, 30. 
education of, 95, 
Yew England Journal of Education. 815, 
New Gleaner, The, 838. 
New Hampshire, 14, 179, 191, 509, 527, 716. 
New Hampshire School Journal, 818. 
New Haven, Conn., 69. 91, 823, 509, 590, 
New Haven, Sheflicld Scientific School, 9. 
Jew Jersey, 69, 92, 179, 182, 246, 328, 
386, 509, 616, 681. 
New learning and new ignorance, 114. 
Vewman, Rev. J. P., 14. 
Jew Mexico, 69, 527. 
New Orleans, La., 69, 91, 179, 246, 324, 
526, 591, 616, 681, 791. 
Newport, R. I., 325. 
New psychology in normal schools, 713. 
New South Wales, 244. 
Newspaper criticism, 191. 
Newton, N. J., 325. 
New Ulm, Minn., 246. 
New York (City), 11, 14, 26, 88, 92, 145, 
146, 147, 178, 180, 223, 246, 284, 321, 
392, 825, 384, 434, 444, 457, 507, 509, 
514, 527, 590, 591, 614, 615, 616, 617, 
631, 681, 716, 
New York (State), 14, 69, 92, 179, 246, 325, 
383, 886, 418, 457, 509, 527, 591, 
716. ' 
Vew York Jowrnal of Education, 827. 
Vew York School Journal, 819. 
Jew York State Normal College, 421. 
Jew Zealand, 89, 244, 315. 
women’s education in, 883. 
Jiagara Falls, N. Y., 325. 
Viagara University, 92. 
Tightingale, A. F., 69. 
Jineteenth century, civilization of, 40. 
Jissen, Hartvig, 617. 
ix, Rob. L., 246. 
Joble, F. A., 4. 
Joble, Harriet, 91. 
Yokk, Dr., 12. 
Jomination of teachers, 7, 67, 78. 
Jon-existence of printed books, 119. 
Non-professional training-schools, 41. 
Normal, Ala., 526. 
Normal Exponent, The, 829. 
Yormal Index, The, 835. 
Vormal, I11., 800, 385. 
Vormal Monthly, The, 841. 
Jormal schools, 
value of practice, 8. 
for teachers in secondary schools, 8. 
scholastic instruction, 8. 
psychological instruction, 8. 
standards required, 8. 
and the Turner-bund, 11. 
ssychology in, 11. 
sourse of study, 29, 383, 428. 
raining-schools in, 883, 391. 
1ow acquire methods, 383, 399. 
jecessities in, 383, 408. 
sradation of, 383, 410. 
levelopment in France, 883, 415. 
1 the State of New York, 883, 418. 
wociological view of, 883, 422. 
heir work, 383, 430. 
he ideal, 384, 451. 
:0 supplement the county model school, 
yrofessional course in, 426. 
quirements of admission, 426.

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