Full text: Proceedings of the International Congress of Education of the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, July 25-28, 1893

-e, 168. 
rs, 28. 
denied, 157. 
enlarged, 186. 
inevitable, 124. 
he improvement of all our education. 
brilliant, in the United States, 55. 
of human thought, 168. . 
Retention of Greek, 132. 
Retire at ten o'clock, 144. 
Retrospect and forecast, a few words or, 
Returns made by the college to the com- 
munity, 199. 
Reviews, stereotyped, 76. 
of Greek gymnastics, 11. 
in the study of psychology, 29. 
humanistic, 153. 
Revolution, French, 53. 
Revue de UEnsesgnement des Langues 
Vivantes, 849. 
Revue (La) de I Enseignement Primaire et 
de I Enseignement Supérieur, 848. 
Revue de Qéographie, 849. 
Revue des Cours et Conferences, 846. 
Revue Internationale de UEnsergnement, 
Revue Pedagogique, 846. 
Revue Universitavre, 846. 
and punishments, 20. 
of educational journals, 825. 
in money, 36. 
in gratitude, 37. 
Rexford, E. J., 178. 
Reynolds, J. H., 526. 
deynolds, P. B., 681. 
Rhoades, C. B., 509. 
Rhoads, James E., 93. 
Rhode Island, 67, 70, 81, 93, 179, 325, 
3806. 716. 
Rhode Island Educational Magazine and 
Schoolmaster, 814. 
Rhode Island Sehoolmaster, 814. 
Ribera, E., 4, 179. 
Rice, Mrs. J. P., 507, 512, 521. 
Rice, Miss R. S., 179. 
Rice, Rebecca, 715. 
Rich growing richer, 167. 
Richards, Chas. R., 590, 591. 
Richards, Mrs. Ellen H., 91. 
Richards, J. H., 91. 
Richards, M. H., 681. 
Richards, R. H., 525, 549. 
Richards, Zalmon, 244, 300. 
Richardson, Benj. W., 245. 
Richmond, Alf., 245. 
Richmond College, 681. 
Richmond, England, 179. 
Richmond, Ind., 91. 
Richmond, Ky., 91, 681. 
Richmond, Mo., 324. 
Richmond, Va., 70, 324, 681. 
Richter, Th., 89. 
ickoff, Dr. Andrew J., 5. 
Ricks, George, 245. 
Riddell, Phebe, 324. 
diddle, J. L., 179. 
Rigg, J. H., 385. 
of the child, 81. 
exercise of duties of citizens, 244. 
and duties of citizens, 161. 
of Greek, 142. 
of person and property, 184. 
Rigidity of the graded system, 86. 
Riley, Arthur D., 456. 
Riley, B. F., 90. 
Riley, E. R., 833. Cer 
Rinehart, E. K., 509. 
ing, political, 81. «  s 
ink, C. H., 9. 
io de Janeiro, 89, 244. 
ios, F. Giner de los, 179. 
*ipon College, 93, 716. 
tipon, Wis., 98, 716. : 
Ripper, W., 89. 
Rival and opposing schools, 197. 
Yivalry between nations, 38. 
ivard, E. L., 680. 
iver Falls, Wis., 883, 386, 408. 
Riverside, Cal., 823. 
Riverside, I11., 324. Ca 
Roanoke College, 93, 681. 
oberts, Chas., 610. 
Roberts, Chas. G. D., 89. 
Roberts, R. D., 89. 
toberts, T. L., 509. 
loberts, W. C., 91. 
toberts, W. Rhys, 89. 
lobertson, 170. 
wobin, Mlle. 1.., 245, 456. 
2obin, M., 245. 
*obins, S. P., 885. 
‘obinson, Alb. R., 591. 
obinson, Emily, 590. 
(obinson, Ezekiel G., 680. 
‘obinson, W. E., 69. EE 
sochester, N. Y., 325, 386, 681, 716. i ! 
Yochester University, 716. “5 2h 
rock, Anna J., 825. Joys) 
ck, Arrow, 842. cid 
Rockaway Beach, 188. 
Rockefeller, 99. 
Rockford, 111., 246. 
Rock Island, Iil., 91. 
Rodgers Park, 111., 524. 
Rodhe, Eva, 590. 
Rodney, Miss., 57. 
Rodriguez, M. V., 178. 
Roebuck, Mrs. S. E., 325. 
Rogers, Antoinette, 325. 
Rogers, Arthur C., 245. 
Rogers, 11. W., 91. 
Rogers, J. Sumner, 180.

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