res m———
Rogers, W. O., 69.
Rolfe, W. J., 91.
Roman law, worship of, 50.
Romanes, G. J., 89.
dombaut, Eugéne, 590.
tome, Italy, 13, 323, 456.
Room made for the sciences, 196, 197.
Rooper, T. G., 245.
Root, Father, 837.
Root, F. W., 5, 507, 519.
Root, George F., 508, 522. ’
Roots of English words, 126.
Roper, Mrs., 507, 513, 519.
Rosa, Amalia de, 823.
Rose Polytechnic Institute, at Terve
Haute, Ind., 526, 588.
Ross, G. W., 12.
Ross, Henry H., 180.
Rossi, Dr. Egisto, 13.
Rossini, 9.
Rostock, Germany, 89.
Rote, by, learning pieces of musie, 9.
Rothwell, W. R., 681.
Rouleau, Th. G., 385.
Rounds, C. C., 810.
Rounds, Miss, 456.
roustan, Honoré, 13.
Routine, monotonous, 84,
Routledge, C. F., 245.
Roxboro, N. C., 180.
Roxbury, Mass., 180, 591.
Roy, Henry F., 509.
Royal Central Institute of Gymnastics,
Stockholm, 615, 662.
houses, 37.
Educational Society of Japan, 244, 308.
Jentral Gymnastic Institute, 10.
[nstitute of Gymnastics, Stockholm,
615, 622.
Royce, Josiah, 679, 687.
Royer, John S., 829.
Ruano, A. Gomez, 16, 246.
Rudiments of manual and art training, 18.
Ruffner, W. H., 70.
Rugby, England, 245.
Ruggles, J. W., 509.
Ruiz, José M. Carbnell y, 89.
Rule, external, 47.
Rumford, Sarah S., 323.
Runkle, J. D., 5, 10, 589, 680.
Rural schools,
theses on, 6.
raining of teachers, 8.
introduce agriculture, 244, 304.
Rusil, France, 244.
Russel, Mr., 679.
Russell, E. H., 886, 713, 715.
aussell, H. C., 89.
Russell, William, 812,
Russellville, Ky., 91, 716.
list of vice-presidents, 13, 90, 179, 590.
doing its duty, 40.
delegate from, 304.
Russia, our friends from, 183.
system of manual training, 10, 589, 599.
school-shop, 29.
honor of being a, 88.
Rust, Annie C., 324.
Rust, Lawrence, 180.
Rutgers College, 92.
tydberg, Vietor, 90.
Rylance, J. W., 245,
Rvland, W. S., 91.
Sabin, A. R., 69, 509.
sabin, H., 69, 825.
Sabine, Miss Ella, 69.
sachse, Hugo, 89,
Sacramento, Cal., 323.
sacrifice for public education, 56.
sadataka, Koba, 246.
Sadler, M. E., 90.
Safeguard of the superintendent, 80.
saint Cloud, France, 385.
salamanca, Spain, 118.
salamanca University, Spain, 118.
salazar, Fr. Ignacio, 12.
Salem, Mass., 243, 246, 273, 386, 811.
Salem, Ore., 69, 92.
salem, Va., 93, 681.
salisbury, Alb., 386.
salisbury, N. C., 386.
salmon, Lucy M., 92.
salomon, Otto, 590.
Saltburn by the Sea, England, 245.
Salter, Rev. M. B., 14.
salt Lake City, Utah, 825.
salvation of art, 20,
samples of sloyd work, 589, 599.
samson, George W., 92,
Samuelson, Sir Bernh., 13.
Sanborn, J. W., 527.
sande, Mary F. van de, 323.
Sanders, D. J., 92.
Sanders, Mr., 700,
sanders, Thom. J., 92.
san Diego, Cal., 823.
sanford, Edm. C., 88, 91, 156, 681.
san Francisco, 13, 90, 177, 211, 246, 821,
322, 836, 885.
San José, Cal., 823, 385.
San José, Costa Rica, 12.
Sanskrit, thought based on, 135.
Santa I'é, N. M., 69.
santiago, Chili, 12, 68, 590.
sarcey, the arch-critie, 171.
Sargent, Prof. D. A., 5.
Sargent, Dr., 615.
sarmiento, Hon, D. F., 57.
Saunders, Rose, 324.
Savigny’s ‘Geschichte des Romischen
Rechts im Mittelalter,” 822.
Saville, John W., 591.
Saving of time, money, and force, 41.
Savings-banks, school, 244, 286, 287,
Sawyer, Henry E., 818.
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